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Everything posted by Fanka

  1. Ugh...can you read? His song IS on her album. It wasn't going to be on there, but Rihanna made it happen.
  2. You really think she's gonna do that bionic tour? She said on T.V she's going back to recorded for a new album in January. That tour & whole era seems pretty much a wrap. That shade at the film is nonsense. The film will make their budget...and if it doesn't...so what...xtina still got paid But got damn @ 252,000 copies....ouch. I thought it was at least near gold.
  3. I loved it!! Great performance! The song is meh, tho.
  4. Bee stans know her ass dont write I'm pretty sure it is common...well for big artist.
  5. Prolly. that's prolly why they shading her with promo. Get that bitch out quick fast in a hurry!!
  6. Yup But its nothing we already knew..
  7. lol. she can recorded as many albums as she's contracted for(whatever that amount is)
  8. That performance was fye. I wish her music was better, but oh well. I saw her opening up for Jay-z last year & she was amazing. I would def go see her again.
  9. Ciara has been a big flop for sometime now, so im not surprised at these sales. The bitch use to be an opening act for fucking Rihanna. Fucking Ki and Ch..
  10. Ch... Britney's nappy weave>>>>Big red's bozo the clown wig. Rihanna can't come for anyone. Not even teairra mari
  11. For Rihann's first headling tour, her boxscores isn't THAT bad. She'll prolly have better ones for her new tour. Britney is the queen though.
  12. Xtina starting to get her a second chin. if she were taller the extra weight would look great on her.
  13. Rihanna is starting to feel her cunt...but she's still boring on stage and still cant do a proper 8 count. WTF is wrong with her. Ive never know of any black gals from an island that sucked at dancing. And Britney's presence alone>>>big red.
  14. I cant fucking!!! I LOVE that picture
  15. He's actually not. He only gets into "stan" mode when people are hating for no reason at all. He's very real besides that .
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