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Everything posted by EphraimAdamz

  1. Then from the comments you have a bunch of ignorant homophobic black people telling Raz B to get over it and move on with his life. And on the flip side you have a bunch of sick ass gay people getting off on the thought of him being molested.
  2. No I don't need it, I'm way past him being a musical genius though. He's already a visual genuis to me on top of that
  3. Because music is objective, so really the only way to measure it is for as many people as possible to hear the song with a majority rule vote
  4. Yes. His music just.... moves you. But u have to admit those videos and performances are some nice icing on the cake. I am fans of other people who I think have made some genius music for our time. Timbaland Prince Aerosmith
  5. Well then by your standards there is really no other way to measure ones music genius except by popularity. And we all know how that turns out.....
  6. If dance moves and visuals have no connection to the music itself then explain to me why do infants smile when they hear certain songs? How do you explain toddlers dancing to songs when they have never seen a music video or their parents dance? So yes I agree that those music videos and performances arent everything, but to say they have no connection to the music itself is just bogus to me.
  7. No, but answer this for me honestly.... when u close your eyes and listen to a song... u never see anything? You get no sort of mental/visual response out of music what so ever?
  8. ugh just no. it will always be MC Lyte, Queen Latifah, ect. Nicki is not influential enough lol. She just came out
  9. I already said I feel that its the MANY things that make him a genius. But u seem set on your views so......... *grabs fleshlight*
  10. And? I'm not saying that its solely the reason for his genius. I'm not saying that MJ is the only musical genius either. But since this is about MJ it's his cultural impact, dance impact, stage impact, music composition and production, his historical knowledge and knowing where music before him came from, vocal ability, and fashion. All these things are a part of music for the era in which MJ lived. Just because all of these tools were not available 100 years ago does not make him less of a genius. Every generation adapts in reflection of their environment.
  11. Yes it matters, regardless of the time or era that you live in. Im sure Beethoven didn't present his music in just any old way, modern technology or not. Cavemen too.
  12. Yea. but there are so many songs out there that don't make you get up and dance. Don't make you have memories of when/how you first heard the song. Don't remind you of your friends/family. I mean the man had blind, deaf, and people who don't speak english jamming to his songs. People who didn't have radios or tv's, but knew who MJ was
  13. Personally his stage presence, voice, and music videos are just as important as the music to me. The whole point of music is to engage in a physical/mental response
  14. Not solely. It's the many reasons people are saying. There is no ONE reason for his genius, its the collaborative medium.
  15. and its not like Genius is such a power word anyway gen·ius    –noun, plural gen·ius·es An exceptional natural capacity of intellect, especially as shown in creative and original work in science, art, music, etc. The genius of Mozart.
  16. It's more than that and you know it Just like we all know it ain't him singing this song http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ld8RuyGZhCI It simply wasn't genius enough.
  17. I didn't post it in reference to his beatboxing skills. It was in reference to his knowledge of musical sound and composition. Then recompose those exact notes into a drum machine.
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