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Everything posted by dlite

  1. wow a group of youngsters on the internet who flood pages with bees has you intimidated? I never have words with her fans because i kinda like beyonce but they certainly dont scare me, janet has done everything she's done and some.
  2. Gil knows,thats why he's been shady towards wissam, he's never shaded janet's exes....Randy knows thats why he's been by his sister's side.
  3. if you just want to hear her hits it makes sense to get #1s, just about every song on 'control' was a single or at least got heavy radio play so its likely you have heard most of that album. now if you want to get into her discography you should listen to her complete albums. She is one of those artists who has enough great album cuts that she could make a couple great albums using them. You should also look for her B sides and unreleased tracks. I dont know how serious you are about getting into her music, you mentioned MJ so it seems you are only interested because he's her brother, i have to let you know their music is not the same. The great thing is with technology you can listen to her albums and decide if you want to buy them by streaming them, her music is on all the streaming services.
  4. what do yall mean by staged? its just a pic of her and gil at rehearsals looking at something.
  5. well gil is directly involved in every aspect of the show while preston does make up.
  6. Damita jo is r&b bliss, there are only 6 songs i legit like on afy.
  7. 1.RN, 2A. Unbreakable, 2B. Velvet rope, 3. Control, 4. Janet., 5.Damita Jo, 6. All 4 u....so its her 6th best but technically 7th since #2 is tied.
  8. mona was part of violator management, their roster include her longtime friends like missy and busta, as well as her ex boyfriend qtip.
  9. how are yall sure thats janet's house? gil was at her house on that same balcony a few days ago. realtors usually let it be known when its a celeb house.
  10. but why would he lie about that? he was talking about his own bad eyesight and somebody mentioned janet's glasses, he said something along the lines of she's even more blind than him, he was jokingly saying she has bad eye sight. shit i have terrible eye sight and should wear my glasses all the time but i dont, there is nothing messy about what he said millions of people need glasses.
  11. gil said she's damn near blind lol she need them.
  12. Eissa is adorable and he looks huge with janet carrying him. he's gonna get even cuter when his little curls grows in, he got that one big curl right in the middle now lol.
  13. what are you even talking about? janet dont need to use the baby for no roll out, she is a celebrity with fans who wanted to see her baby. we saw a few pics of pregnant janet out and about, we saw a pic of janet pushing the baby in a stroller without even actually seeing the baby, then she posted his pic on her social media for her fans. the pics of her with the baby at the park was before they announced the split, i dont see how you are comparing those pics to wissam having the baby on display for the paps. if janet wanted to use the baby for some kinda buzz as you say she would of had him on the video with her when she announced the tour, she posted one picture and thats it. wissam sits on a bench with the baby looking totally detached while the daily mail snaps pictures. why would janet need a press company to show her fans her baby? she posted a pic on social media ,that was enough. wissam is not use to dealing with the press, he's behaving like other attention whoring parants.
  14. the difference is she dont have her infant out on display for the paps. she posted a picture of her baby on her own social media like every other mother does, wissam could have posted a pic on his site but he chooses to use the tabloids. when was you seeing pics of wissam before the split? he even had the paps at his house while toys and shit was being carried in. this man claims to be more private than janet, he protected his own privacy and there is no way the tabloids would know when and where he will have the baby unless they are being told. for some reason he thinks that having these staged pictures somehow makes him look like a good father but its not, he is being called out for exploiting that baby.
  15. then you see him walking down the street holding the baby, its like he have the nanny bring him to public places and takes him out of his stroller just to walk around and sit on the bench for photo ops.
  16. the uk passed a law that young children faces has to be blurred unless the parent consents to show them. wissam obviously stages these photo ops and consented to them showing the baby's face in those other pap photos, janet probably got the court to put a stop to it.
  17. yall are clearly not women
  18. her boobs are real, its very obvious in that sun bathing video.
  19. ok i thought that was her, she must have relocated to london as well because she's always with janet. i thought it was said she is actually her cousin?
  20. some remixed version of no sleeep at the mall in the adidas store.
  21. i mean the tour is still months off and she's getting herself ready for the stage, this event wasnt about her so her not being there is not a big deal. i doubt people would be buying tickets based on her showing up to a ceremony that wasnt even televised.
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