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Everything posted by Aquaria

  1. It's not hate, she just did not do a good job, it was very lackluster.
  2. she even raps http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X1a35Fg_kBM#t=3m20s
  3. Madonna is the Black Madonna. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GS6FCoq349o
  4. As a Madonna and Gaga stan, I see constant hate for them too. You only see what your eyes want to see... how can life be what you want it to be? You're frozen. When you're heart's not open... Let that marinate for a while yall
  5. Xtina's was the best, Firework is literally a frame by frame ripoff
  6. They have other attributes. Rihanna is a black barbie with great style and good producers.
  7. I agree she's not all bad, she's just kind of mediocre overall as a performer. I do appreciate she sings live.
  8. To me she's all style and no substance. She reinvents herself the way Madonna did but there's not much else going on. I know Rated R was her "deep" album but it's no Velvet Rope. She's a lite version of Janet and Madonna. They had the image evolution, but the charisma, stage presence, conviction etc to really make you believe it.
  9. it was to everyone, you think it's Rihanna shade because you're a stan let's be clear: it IS Rihanna shade, but others are included
  10. This has NOTHING to do with race. People went on and on about Katy and Taylor from last night.
  11. She is contrived, but she has the talent to back it up and has definitely demonstrated it.
  12. Well in a sense her "peers" are Katy Perry and Ke$ha. B and G are peers, a tier above those girls
  13. who would any of us be without Lady Brunhilderson
  14. Yep true (about some artists meant to be big and others not). I think Gaga is amazing because she came out with a concept album, she was so sure of who she was, what she wanted to convey, and you never, ever see that. Most artists spend a couple albums finding themselves, but she just unleashed Gaga on the world And the progression from album to album conceptually is genius as well Hail Gagalupe, full of grace, the lord is with thee
  15. YES. GOOD ONE. They produced the best song in history, Bad Romance
  16. Yes, looking at these awards shows and pop music in general it's like where's the raw talent? I found myself thinking numerous times while watching the AMAs why the fuck are you on that stage if you can't even sing and "performing" is walking around and twirling from time to time? Rihanna couldn't even bust a casual move without looking stiff. Christina at least is a great vocalist but all of her recent performances have left me wanting more, she always seems to be struggling to me. With Beyonce you always know she's going to deliver, the bitch can sing, dance, and she's gorgeous which is a nice topping. She's the number one popstar and for good reason and no one is taking her place. And alongside her is Gaga who also has incredible raw talent and the brains to match.
  17. Gaga is a lot more than just Madonna, she's Cher, David Bowie, Boy George, etc etc and the list goes on and on. You can trace everything Mike and Madonna did back too, they all had their influences. They were obviously more groundbreaking as pop artists than the pop artists of today, because that ground can only be broken once and that's why today's "greats" will always live in their shadow. Gaga I think is the singular most ingenious pop artist today, she has her flaws and her shortcomings, and a lot of what she does seems very contrived (I'm not making the case that she isn't, because her persona is a construction, but there are moments where you can tell who exactly she's imitating and what exactly she's trying to add to her canon). I forgot where I was going with this...
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