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Everything posted by Aquaria

  1. Madonna/Mirwais If you don't know then I ain't 'splainin
  2. Well, I loved Single Ladies, but I could do without her ghetto hood shit. It seems she just can't let an album go by without slipping some of that nonsense on there I'm excited about her new album.
  3. I'm not actually I think Gaga will be the singular most influential voice of this generation. She's gonna be MJ + Madonna combined.
  4. What's sad is that Gaga and Bee, the best of this generation, are still watered down versions of the greats before them
  5. "After hearing Harajuku Barbie liven up every track she appears on with her relentless, nonstop spit-firing, in comparison, Kim sounds like she’s sleeping through this one. She’s going to have to step it up to stay relevant now that Nicki’s the go-to guest rapper du jour." uh oh
  6. I'm beautiful in my way, cus god makes noo-o mistakes, I'm on the right track, baby I WAS BORN THIS WAYYYEEEEEEUHHHHHHH -Lady Brunhilda
  7. I still love Massive Attack though that shit/video is muh jam her other singles suck
  8. Yeah good point. I thought for example Ke$ha's performance was the best out of Rihanna's hers and Katy's and she had the least setup, she had the funky helmet on in the beginning but it was mainly her and her dancers, she sounded good and it was a good performance. The others really relied on the set and props and stuff to distract that not much else was going on. And Katy, a choir full of children can't cover up your shitty voice
  9. I downloaded her album but got bored of it... I see a lot of hype online at message boards with fegs going crazy for this line or that line but when I listen to it I'm just like I don't respond to this, I only know it should be good because of hype. I did really dig Roman's Revenge though And to be fair, I didn't listen to the whole album at all.
  10. If you're really looking for artistic integrity, raw talent and innovation, steer clear of the mainstream. I mean unless we're talking about Gaga but she's the exception.
  11. I completely agree. This was my exact reaction to last night. I'm sure Pink was decent, I didn't see hers, but mostly everyone else was just ugh. Like I said in the AMA thread, it really made me miss Beyonce. Like is it too much to ask for some actual choreography and a good vocal?
  12. Looks like she's wrapped in toilet paper and it's trailing off her from the bathroom
  13. I think the gaga wannabe had the best performance of then night... sad
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