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Kennita Jo.

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Everything posted by Kennita Jo.

  1. To Talk That Truth, you parading around the internet making Janet's fans look simple and stupid hardly means you're a stan. In fact, it's a disservice to Janet and those of us that support her. Until you can provide receipts of your fandom outside of being an idiotic no-life-having internet troll, you really ought to keep quiet about who you're calling a non-fan. I'll be damned. OMG.
  2. Speaking of, I wanted so badly for her to make a song like "Skin" for Talk That Talk. I'm a bit surprised and disappointed that there isn't one, given the album is so sexually-driven, but I will deal.
  3. Oh, no. Hmm. It'd be between "We Found Love" and "Where Have You Been." "Cockiness" too; I hated the snippet but the full song makes me touch m'self.
  4. It is, she's really coming into her own. I want to hear! The link I downloaded earlier only had a snippet of "Birthday Cake."
  5. LMAO she's good for them. I'm more surprised at you liking the rest of the album though.
  6. It's good, better than Loud, but you can tell it's rushed. Imagine what she could do if she actually sat her ass down for a few months to make a record. "Where Have You Been," "We Found Love," "Cockiness," "Drunk On Love," and "Roc Me Out" >>>
  7. [Xternal]That's racist.[/Xternal] At least the rare ones were saved, those are a bitch. Which stores are you looking in?
  8. I recently bought and re-bought Janet's entire major discography, including the first two albums, the two remix albums, the European and Japanese versions of Design of a Decade, and the tour editions of The Velvet Rope and All For You. It was a stan impluse, and now I feel complete.
  9. What are you trying to say about Bu and I?! No, I get you. It's not always so simple though.
  10. If you truly know what your passions and aspirations are and if the opportunity is there, however complicated or problem-prone, chase your dreams or they'll chase you back. I had to swallow my dreams for money, and I am now choking on them.
  11. "Like A Prayer!" It is. But if she's going to jump any bandwagon (again), Sia would be the best choice. !!! God I hope so. I can't handle Rotten Candy 2.0.
  12. She looks better here. I am however upset that she fixed the gap between her teeth. That was her signature, unattractive as it may have been.
  13. I just got back from seeing this myself. The sequencing peeved me but it was good, worth the $10 at worst. I'm going to see Warrior tomorrow. I have high expectations, but to gawk at Tom Hardy for two hours will satisfy them one way or another.
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