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Diva Duel #8: E-Book vs Paper Books


Diva Duel #8  

12 members have voted

  1. 1. What do you prefer?

    • E-Books/Tablet reading
    • Traditional paper books

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I used to love paper books. I was determined I would never "sell out" to the tablet/kindle frenzy. I love the feel of paper, the smell of a new book (and sometimes the old books too). I'm a collector and love limited editions etc especially hard-book ones. I can't get a digital copy signed by the author. I am a traditionalist..or I thought I was.

Out of impulse I bought a Kindle...and it's a decision that I do not regret. Picture this - I'm cleaning my room out and had to pack everything so I could re-decorate. I've got boxes which are heavy and already breaking just from carrying books - not to mention my arms aching afterwards :rolleyes:. Now had they all been digital and on my Kindle I would have saved a lot of time, pain and even money. Ebooks are cheaper. They don't take up space and my Kindle looks exactly like a page from a book when I'm reading.

However my Kindle doesn't seem to show pictures or rather I haven't purchased a book with illustrations - would they have the same effect than paper? I can't transfer my current paper books to my Kindle so I have to buy them again if I can't take them with me to Canada :(. Who to choose?

I still love paper books but I think technology has reigned supreme this time - for me. I didn't realise how convenient they are and I'm just impressed by them. But there's something about a paperbook that a Kindle will never provide - like looking at a booklet of a CD is something flicking through downloaded booklet through iTunes can't.

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I saved that picture :lmao:

Since I have both, that makes this an easy choice, actually. I love my Kindle because it's more efficient. I can store multiple books and take them wherever I go (which is good because I tend to read more than one book at times). It's cleaner. It's light enough and small enough to keep in my purse. Plus, since it stores multiple books I can pretty much have my library with me in my dorm without lugging my bookshelves with me. However, my choice is traditional print books. There's nothing like the aesthetic of the turning and smell of those pages; seeing the little bit of dust or aging yellow on an older book(even better when a book is so old you have notes from bright previous readers), the care of choosing the print, the fresh off the press smell of a new one, the beauty of the binding/cover, and the gorgeous design of a special edition book. I love it all. I do enjoy efficiency, but aesthetic wins my heart every time.

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I couldn't imagine being a young gal getting ready for a deep slumber and searching through my e-book for a fairytale for my mum to read to me. Something about that just isn't the same as searching through a traditional book of fairytales and my mum and I flipping through the pages as she tells me the tale of those two bastard children Hansel and Gretel as they throw that poor defenseless old woman into a stove for there own amusement. I don't think I could get that same feeling, that sense of amazement, the yearning to physically flip to the next page to see what happens next. E-books just couldn't create that for me as a child.

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Traditional, I'm just nostalgic like that lol ~ and especially during plane takeoff and landing where you have to turn off electronics.

Do we have to do that? >_< I always forget or rather leave it in my bag and by then I'm not allowed to get out of my seat until it's taken off :asham:. I do put stuff on aeroplane mode though.

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Do we have to do that? >_< I always forget or rather leave it in my bag and by then I'm not allowed to get out of my seat until it's taken off :asham:. I do put stuff on aeroplane mode though.

Bu don't take this the wrong way but you should probably try to avoid looking more suspicious on an airplane -_-

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