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Drag Race: All-Stars


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She was probably thinking Sahara was gonna beat her ass about being all up on that man :asham:


true dat.

im so happy that Raja is the queen though, finally somebody intelligent and that can bring something to the table. I mean i love Bebe, but some of her drag is NOT cute. Tyra is exactly like her favorite singer, she pretty and everything, but sometimes she is busted and bitch is kinda slow. :umm:

i wish Tyra still had her show because u know Raja would be on it >_<

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true dat.

im so happy that Raja is the queen though, finally somebody intelligent and that can bring something to the table. I mean i love Bebe, but some of her drag is NOT cute. Tyra is exactly like her favorite singer, she pretty and everything, but sometimes she is busted and bitch is kinda slow. :umm:

i wish Tyra still had her show because u know Raja would be on it >_<

Bebe shouldn't have won the first season at all. That was suppose to be Nina's crown. I thought Raven was going to win the second season, but Tyra pulled a Bey performance and we know Ru is a Bey fan -_-

-_- Maybe she'll appear on Wendy's show.

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Bebe shouldn't have won the first season at all. That was suppose to be Nina's crown. I thought Raven was going to win the second season, but Tyra pulled a Bey performance and we know Ru is a Bey fan -_-

-_- Maybe she'll appear on Wendy's show.

yeah Nina and Raven should have definitely one. I wasnt as upset that Bebe won though, when Tyra won I really was like :wtf: and to be totally honest I really didnt think that she should have won most of her individual challenges, especially that country challenge and that wedding challenge. :huh:

ooo that would be great.

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yeah Nina and Raven should have definitely one. I wasnt as upset that Bebe won though, when Tyra won I really was like :wtf: and to be totally honest I really didnt think that she should have won most of her individual challenges, especially that country challenge and that wedding challenge. :huh:

ooo that would be great.

I think she won that wedding challenge because she glued that stuff on herself, but that was Raven's challenge -_-
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I already knew Raja was going to win, but I don't think she should have. She is somewhat fashionable and stood out for that reason, but that is the only "good" thing about her drag.

She is not fierce and the lipsync last night proved it! She won because Manila didn't give it her all (or she was just so anxious and nervous that she didn't bring it as fiercely as we've seen her do it before).

Had she been in the bottom two any other time (beside when she LSFYL against Carmen) she would have went home...even Shangela would have did a better job.

I guess you could call her drag "androgynous" but her look isn't all that great...Nina was the firecest bitch to EVER do androgyny and she should have won first season...Raja does NOT have it.

I've finished reading her to filth...congrats to her...I guess.. :coffee:

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Shang made it as far as her personality could get her and that's #6 (really the first top 5) -_- Why exactly shouldn't Raja have won? Because she's not a performer? Chile sit down :sigh:

No, she's not a performer...as much as you try to down Shangela. Raja was lacking just as much in key areas. Raja just lucked up because the judges liked whatever you call what she did. Like I said, if she EVER had to LSFYL against almost ANYONE in the comp she would have been sent home.

Shang was inexperienced with getting her look together, but made up for it in other areas...PLUS she is SILL VERY new to the whole thing.

Raja was the OLDEST queen there and had been doing it the longest...but the bitch can't perform? :mellow:

She got lucky. :coffee:

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In all the challenges, Raja BROUGHT IT! :mellow: Even when Shang outshined everyone, Raja proved everyone wrong. Her style was original, creativity and outside the box.

Shang on the other hand has the personality, but she's not original, creativity or outside the box.

Not every drag can perform...you should know that :umm:

Raja deserved it since the photo challenge in the first episode :filenails:

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In all the challenges, Raja BROUGHT IT! :mellow: Even when Shang outshined everyone, Raja proved everyone wrong. Her style was original, creativity and outside the box.

Shang on the other hand has the personality, but she's not original, creativity or outside the box.

Not every drag can perform...you should know that :umm:

Raja deserved it since the photo challenge in the first episode :filenails:

Raja excelled in fashion...high, editorial fashion (which isnt for everybody) that was her strong suit. That was the only original aspect of her, but her drag USUALLY wasn't that great. I understood what she was trying to do, but it didn't always work.

Shang ALMOST has the full package...once she learns more about getting her look together, she'll be one of the best.

Unless you're a pageant queen, Drag is ultimately about your performance. :mellow: People want a cute look, but in the end you still have sell performance. lol Raja got LUCKY...her performance skill would have got her cut. It is UNACCEPTABLE that she has been in the game for THAT long and can't perform! :mellow:

That was the trampoline shoot, right? If so, no she didn't....I forget who should have won it, but it shouldn't have been Raja (and no, I'm not implying Shangela should have won that challenge. I didn't like her pic, if memory serves. lol)

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