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Kim Kardashian filing for divorce


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* $15 million plus profit for four-hour, two-part wedding special on E!

* $2.5 million for exclusive photos with People magazine

* $300,000 for exclusive engagement announcement with People

* $100,000 for exclusive rights to bridal shower with Britain’s OK! mag

* $50,000 to have bachelorette party at Tao in Las Vegas

* $15,000 to $20,000 Hansen’s Bakery wedding cake

* $20,000 Vera Wang wedding dress and fittings

* $40,000 for two more Vera Wang evening dresses

* $400,000 in Perrier Jouet Champagne

* $150,000 in hair and makeup for photo shoots and TV “home video”

* $10,000 in Lehr & Black wedding invitations

* $2 million 20.5-carat engagement ring and $1 million wedding bands by jeweler Lorraine Schwartz were deeply discounted for an undisclosed amount.

She made like an 18 million dollar profit on the wedding. If i was a friend and gave a gift id want my shit back. Having a barely 2 month marriage and keeping all the gifts and all that money from the tabloids for exclusives is some bullshit

Unbelievable. :mellow: What a f*cked up world we live in.

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Kris Jenner Says Kim, "Didn't Make a Dime" Off Her Wedding

We’ve already heard from Kim Kardashian’s siblings — now it’s time for Mama to have her say.

Amid reports that Kris Jenner insisted the divorce news break on Monday morning — in time for the weekly magazines to cover it before their Monday night deadlines — she started her post-marriage publicity tour with an interview with the Johnjay and Rich radio show, in which she addressed Kim’s now-you-see-it-now-you-don’t union to Kris Humphries:

“She’s not the first person in the world to get a divorce or have something like this happen to, and she won’t be the last. She just happens to be a very public person with a couple of television shows on the air so it makes it bigger than life.”

She makes it sound like Kim’s someone who didn’t ask for all the attention when in fact she actively courted it, treating her nuptials like they were the stateside version of the Royal Wedding.

Jenner goes on to address the rumors that Kim made $18 million on her wedding, saying:

“The one thing that is the most annoying is the rumor that she made millions off of this wedding … she didn’t make a dime and actually spent millions of dollars on the wedding, so it’s not something that she thought would ever not be happily ever after.”

… which pretty much flies in the face of every report ever about the media circus that actually required “costume changes” and which E! broadcast in two separate specials. Plus everyone knows celebrities don’t pay for things like little people do. So no, not buying that one, lady.

And speaking of E!, the Kardashian matriarch gushed:

“We have the most amazing network in the world. They feel so bad for Kim as a person. This is about a human being. It’s not about necessarily a television show. They’ve been so supportive and so wonderful to us.”

I’m sure someone there feels badly, but the suits and number-crunchers are probably wetting themselves with excitement over all this and just figuring out how many words starting with the letter K they can fit into the title of the divorce special.

(Free idea: KIM AND KRIS KALL IT KWITS. You’re welcome, E!)

As for the zillions of dollars in wedding gifts, Jenner implied they wouldn’t be returned but did say:

“I’m sure Kim will make a ginormous donation, as she does all the time anyway, very quietly, to a wonderfully deserving charity or children’s hospital or something like that.”

So she could’ve saved everyone a lot of trouble and just asked them to donate to charity in lieu of gifts, which is what normal self-respecting people who bathe in liquid gold do instead of setting up completely ridiculous gift registries and milking everyone in sight for presents like you’re a four-year-old having your first grown-up party.

Also, given how much attention Kim likes to draw to herself, it’s rather difficult to believe she does anything “quietly,” let alone something as nice as donating lots of money to charity.

Regardless, Mama Bear supports her cub, even if she does get her age wrong (Kim’s actually 31):

“She had to make a very difficult decision. But she needed to do that on her own. You know, she’s not 5 years old. She’s a 30-year-old woman who definitely needs my support right now. [but] whatever her decision was at the time, I’m just here to support her as her mom and make sure she’s okay today.”



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