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Everything posted by Laveaux

  1. hellow ^_^ have you ever heard of James Blake? He has the album of the year to me

  2. Alexis knew her place. Overall, this challenge sucked. I dont know what Rupaul was thinking when she came up with this cake shit, this reminded me of a Season 1 challenge with Ms. Bebe
  3. i concur. Anywho, Im surprised that Alexis didnt say anything in Shangela's defense, then I realize what she had on and she probably didnt want the Heathers to read her.
  4. i did not and i kinda liked her in the beginning of the competition, but last week when she tried to come for Raja, you could tell it was out of pure jealousy and hatred. Then the bitch had the nerve to say that Raja is threaten by her, gurl stop. Raja is the queen bitch boo, fall in line.
  5. like i said before, I cannot stand a weak bitch and Shangela was a weak bitch on tonights episode. Raja was dead on when she said that Shangela can dish it out, but she cannot take it.
  6. Stacey gets on my nerves, i hate a weak bitch and SHE is a WEAK BITCH. She is constantly asking for somebodys approval.."What do you think"..."What should i do"..that shit is annoying. She needs to take her country sweet tea drinking ass back to the swamp.
  7. she really is. them other gwarls dont stand a chance and can I just say that Raja kills me every time she goes in on Stacey ..she is sooo mean (but real) with her comments about that country queen.
  8. Raja has been bringing it since the show started. BITCH IS IN ANOTHER LEAGUE. I am even inspired by the bitch and its been a minute since Voodeux has felt inspired .
  9. im loving Rihanna more and more. im almost at stan status now
  10. i did not like it as much as i thought that i would. i was excited about seeing it when i heard that she would take on her critics and when i saw clips and pictures that were leaked, but the video for me was nothing new. I thought that Melina could have created something more memorable and from what Im hearing more original. Now her commercial for her perfume was the cats meow, she did dat!!!
  11. i love that fuckin look. it made my heart flutter everytime i saw her rocking it
  12. that dress Rihanna had on during her performance with Eminem was EVERYTHING AND THEN SOME!!! wow, bitch was fierce.
  13. Girl I Love You - Massive Attack Power - Kanye West Splitting Atoms - Massive Attack Rise - Sully Erna Only Girl - Rihanna What If - Godsmack Paradise Circus - Massive Attack Look At Those Eyes - Alexz Johnson
  14. that new short cut did it for me. janet getting her own one of a kind doll was also a great moment for her.
  15. most definitely. whatever you do in life, rather its good or bad, does eventually come back to you in some way, shape or form.
  16. i heard some of the songs and i was feelin most of the songs that I had listened too. My friend is supposed to be getting me the album for Christmas though, so yay me.
  17. its basically the 'Feedback' choreography slowed down with elements of 'Make Me' sprinkled here and there. it works though and to the untrained eye it looks very original
  18. she is workin the hell out of that red hair. get it bitch!!! anywho, I just choreographed a routine to 'Whats My Name'...Rihallah has brought my inner Gil out again ...thanks RiRi
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