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Everything posted by J.

  1. I've learned nothing from you boy
  2. Janet's legacy knows no bounds
  3. I'm not that big of a fan either, but you can't deny that shit was amazing. She was performing for dear life.
  4. Kim Elise is winning...not Anika @ Kerry getting nominated and not Loretta
  5. Blah Blah Blah my nigga Blah Blah Blah *stupid thug face* Blah Blah Blah my nigga Blah Blah Blah Murder you Blah Blah Blah my nigga Blah Blah Blah *stupid thug face*
  6. Janet will be everywhere February if she gets nominated....she has the book coming out and the tour starts in Hong Kong
  7. *continues watching the drama unfold*
  8. Ciara should pursue comedy with statements like that
  9. IDK...TOF maybe he knows something....IDK I tend to believe in conspiracy theories and what if? Watch this interview (from 21 minutes on)He talks about Janet and then goes into what he meant by that statement http://thatgrapejuice.net/2010/12/exclusive-teddy-riley-talks-michael-jackson-album-video/#comments
  10. the latter....and negro dont act like you didn't write the novel and star in the movie about crying for attention
  11. ksnfklhnlknlfkyjl;ktumt;lkyn;ssnt;slngh;lndjt;jln;lstnfg;lhsjnky;lkn;ldnyg;lhnmj;ltjnh
  12. She gotta take what she can get
  13. You know Bey can't have any incriminating evidence....with those distinctive designs, her name will be all over it.
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