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Everything posted by kidfresh832

  1. WTF is the Age of X?? Who knows all the X books are now going to be about this new world where the Xmen never formed and they are hunted to near extinction till its over. The Cyclops of this world is now named Basilisk and was used to murder mutants against his will. He escaped. Magneto went to NYC to save some mutants who were trapped in the Empire state building and were about to be murdered. He ripped the entire building out the ground....and half the buildings in the city and left with them while the weak ass humans stood scurred of the Master of magnetism. He flew them all to safety and used all the buildings he stole to built Fortress X. Where the last of the mutants are holed up. Phoenix destroyed albany NY and murdered hundreds of thousands cause she was sick of the petty humans and moved to the Fortress too.
  2. Last time we left our mutants on their ghetto island Rogue was filing her nails and smacking her Dentyne Ice™ while babysitting the kids since no one trusts her not to get them killed like she did Nightcrawler. One of her loser kids has a premonition that some shit is about to go down!! Whats gonna happen??? She tells rogue and Rogue goes to tell King Cylops she has some good info. Cyclops is already tired of Rogue and wants to drag her so he gives her the side eye and is like well can you make your dumb ass kids give us something more to go on bitch or what?? Of course Rogue is simple and cant get any more information so she wonders around aimlessly and boom she finds a invisible monster spider thing thats been snatching mutants and keeping them in its web right there on the island! Oh Rogue save us!! Super Rogue doesnt have time to wait for the real heroes so she has a plan!! She dives into the spider monsters web... Oh shit Super megazord Rogue now! Yay she saved the day and she gets to rub it in Emperor Cyclops face that she didnt need his A listers that arrived too late she already snatched the spiders wig!!!! But wait that wasnt what the dumbass kids premonition was about at all??? Godamn you Rogue now the evil has manifested and the Age of X has begun!!
  3. Sam has been shirtless in like 60% of the episodes lol. The underwear scene was funny. Puck and his lil briefs how u durrin.
  4. Thats how they do it in LIMA HEIGHTS. WHAT!?
  5. Burlesque B+. I was actually kinda surprised I thought it was cute! A cute little story it wasnt too sweet, or too overly dramatic. It was pretty simple and Cam Gigandet....chiiiile he was cute as hell up in this movie
  6. That shit had me cracking UP. What the fuck area did she say she was from again? omg it was funny
  7. The Valentines episode was hilarious. Santana got dragged up and down that hallway!! Puck trying to get in big girls draws was hilarious too.
  8. This is the first time i am hearing this chick and Do it like a dude is HOT
  9. Im reading a few different things but the latest one is the digital copy of It is a pretty fun fantasy series about a girl who goes to ireland to find her sisters killer and she finds out that she isnt who she thought she was and meets all these different creatures and becomes tangled up in an anciet war with Fae. Also reading About a military experiment gone bad and world in peril apocolypse, crazy science experiments etc.
  10. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WvG4rvI8HBw&feature=player_detailpage A Frozen Flower - A I really enjoyed this movie. it is a korean film about a gay King and his lover, and the drama they go through when the King has to marry a woman to produce an heir. But the king is a big ole bottom so he orders his lover the Chief of the guard to get in that pussy and make him a pretty baby. But none of them were ready for all the jealousy, and drama that would come from the evils of pussy! Swordfights, assasination attempts, secret fuck sessions in the royal archives, Korean ass its got it all!
  11. You would think beyonce haters would love an official thread here since it would make her postings easier to skip like other Official threads that came here before.
  12. The King's Speech B+ solid acting i can see Oscar nominations for Colin Firth. Was an interesting look at that particular time period and that particular King.
  13. I still eat meat, but if i can sneak in some healthy substitues that taste just as good every now and then i def do
  14. Soy tacos are good. The point is that meat tastes good but isnt always good FOR you. So if you can get the taste and not the "bad" why not?
  15. Oprah's OWN network starts tomorrow too I see it on my tv guide hurr. She bout to get mo money
  16. The craziest part is she has the absolute audacity to say that the audience was being disrespectful to her by being pissed her ass was 4 hours late. Like people dont have to plan their days and spend their money to arrange being at a concert on time. babysitters whatever the people had to do to be there to see that ungrateful bitch, and she wanna call them disrespectful. Zion better come get his momma cause she is loooney.
  17. It is very uhm interesting!!! Nikki's part is my fav part. Some of the dead bodies etc were kinda but overall I think it was interesting and the song is hot
  18. Well the endorsement contracts dont change yearly so if Loreal and Vizio, Directv whatever else she got signed her to a 5 year endorsement the yearly payments would be the same unless she got bonuses for something. The only things that should flucuate are profits from album sales, concert grosses for years shes not actually promoting an album or touring probably, and her clothing lines could fluctuate as well. All i know is those Vizio commercials were everywhere for awhile this year and I have seen the fragrance ads all over too.
  19. Quentin? He is so lame lol, that was hilarious when he wanted the Phoenix to ressurect the dead chick he loved then she did and the girl looked at him and said eww and would rather be dead again than be with him lol. She has just been gathering the splintered pieces of phoenix force. You see the phoenix bits being ripped out of the people that had pieces of it every now and then. She snatched it from Emmas clones that had a shared piece, she snatched it from Rachel Grey.
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