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Everything posted by DasSad

  1. I don't know. what about when Gil yelled at us in that letter a few years back
  2. She didn't respond. He did because his make up skills were getting dragged.
  3. Yeah but there are zero in here. So to say it was makeup and call it factual doesn't make sense. Clothes and makeup are apples and oranges. You can't compare fabric to chemicals that go on the skin. You're looking at this through a biased lens but your opinion is in the minority. But its cool. Once the surgery heals I'm sure everything will be fine
  4. A mix of contouring and surgery. None of you saying it's the makeup wear makeup so how is it truth
  5. as fans you don't want to believe it but its obvious. Its like defending your kid after he robs a bank even though there is video evidence. Its the not my baby syndrome.
  6. Well the new one was giving me lil Kim vibes. Its not the makeup. She has great genes it was no need for this.
  7. I'm assuming that's why there were no pics in awhile. She didn't need to do that. Social media is not being kind either
  8. She looked good without the surgery.
  9. The scenes last week were pointless. I thought she was trying to hard it should just happen naturally like with Cyrus' I'd rather she focus on not continuing to make Olivia look like a desperate whore.
  10. LOL Bill is an idiot. We have Oprah and Obama so everything is all good
  11. Wow I thought NWA was already in. It doesn't bother me if she gets in or not. The hall of fame has become a joke just like most award shows and music in general. Her legacy will stand regardless.
  12. I'll go with Shonda the road for her was a lot rougher and she's doing projects with black women and other minorities in lead roles and the are successful across all racial lines. So she get my vote for being diverse.
  13. She is overrated and pushed and promoted by the demonic machine. All her music and shows are the same and she gets away with it.
  14. Started off kinda slow. I'm sure it will pick up. I think Jake knows papa pope killed Harrison.
  15. Looking forward to Kendrick. The other two need to get back with their bands
  16. So there justice system is just as bad as ours. What a joke
  17. That was not a hit. Before this video camera out they made it seem like she was hitting on him so bad that he had to defend himself. He was hovering over her in the elevator. He was the aggressor
  18. He should be in jail regardless if she pressed charges or not. Whoopi Goldberg and those hacks from the View need to apologize for blaming this on his wife. I don't see where she hit him at all.
  19. It should be cancelled its a horrible show. I hope it stays off the air for good. I love Blu Ivy for making this possible.
  20. Too many runs for me. Love that avatar of Dorothy. I remember that episode when they all voted her out of the house
  21. Never seen this pic before She looks good.
  22. Can't stand him but I'll say Prince too. I would like to see a Minneapolis themed stadium tour so Morris day the time, sheila e all of them on one bill would be nice
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