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Everything posted by RaLpHieReBeL516

  1. you tried it bitch the last time I saw you there I hadn't gone there a few months prior to that time and i Love how i see u there on tuesday nights being that it is gay night guurrrllll
  2. hahaha me too! i was like this bitch lol i havent liked any of her shit seriously since the first album to the point i can let the album play through with no skips
  3. oh wow!!! thx u have a lot of shit in there but im gonna have to wait until i get home : (
  4. oh wow!!! thx u have a lot of shit in there but im gonna have to wait until i get home : (
  5. haha i was just gonna say i love her speaking voice as well you can always tell when shes not comfortable in an interview aside from tugging her ear lol
  6. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! #allthat i cant wait for rihanna, janet and DK in 2014!!!!!!!!
  7. why was xtina faultering on notes that should have been easy as cake for her, and that gaga was singing effortlesslY
  8. well i like the album, but you seriously can't expect everyone to like everything an artist does, the way you do, especially if they aren't die hard fans in the first place, and even then that still doesn't mean you have to like everything your fave artist does, because all of it isn't gold all the time
  10. amy winehouse, i hated rehab, and then my friend told me to try her again and sent me the whole black to black album, i researched her and that was it from there, so sad she left so soon after me falling in love with her
  11. nudes, chile u can see the whole picture show over at xtune lol
  12. well tina knowles is her mama is "Gaudy Knowles" so she probably paired a blouse with a gown and told beyonce to wear it over the gown lol
  13. that second to last outfit of her posing coming off the plane is everything i remember i saw it i was like WHOA!!!!
  14. this is some of the show, the clip is almost 20 min and they performed a new track, titled, "All in a day's work" can't wait for what else they have in store they went hard!!
  15. haha see i don't talk shit allll the time lol i really like it and i swear i can hear janet doing blow i love that song and video
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