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Everything posted by Kishi

  1. If you guys need any ideas for entertainment while you're in town, I am more than willing to provide suggestions!
  2. Watching Freddie right now and will be watching Atlantic Starr at midnight!
  3. When you run your mouth, Janet finishes the race, not you!
  4. Phaedra reacted nicely when Marlo crashed the airport. If that were me, I would have questions and concerns! I organized this trip, let me know AHEAD of time!
  5. I really, really like this episode. Going to watch it for a third time!
  6. None of the female artists right now have anything in common except for their gender and profession. All of them do their own thing! Can't wait for the Grammys!
  7. I missed last night's episode, but I'm playing catch up. Trina is my favorite. Her lingo is hilarious. I don't know anyone else who says "fun snatcher" or "oral transaction". I feel like Toni gets the least camera time, but whenever she's on, she leaves a lasting impact. I like how she handles situations and listening to her speaking voice. Mama Evelyn is very old-fashioned and I can respect that, but like some of you feel, let adults work out their problems! Yes, they are family, but we're all human at the end of the day and we have our issues. It can't always be kumbaya. I do not like Tamar and I'm tired of her attitude. I get a headache whenever she she gets more than 1 minute of camera time. Traci makes me laugh and I like that Towanda is one of the few SANE people on the show (despite her marriage situation).
  8. That's definitely wishful thinking. Those 5 are 80's/90's. There will definitely be tons of women from different decades AND different musical genres. Not just mainstream pop.
  9. * Escapade, Enjoy, and the Nutrisystem commercial at 24 Hour Fitness * Control and All For You on the radio
  10. This IS her biggest song. "Umbrella" was a huge monster, but "We Found Love" is surpassing that song in every aspect.
  11. I guess I'm too sensitive about my Rihanna. I do need to lighten up a little bit. I'm not that great at shade (only with expressions).
  12. Atlantic Starr is one of my favorite groups, I just found out that I do have TV One, so I'll be checking it out!
  13. I like Rihanna and that's enough for me. If you dislike Rihanna, that's fine. But being disrespectful towards her or her fans (myself included), then I'm going to have a problem. In the end, I don't want to change anyone's opinion. You'll continue to feel how you feel and that's okay. I live by the rule "don't yuck my yum" = if someone else likes something that I don't find appealing, doesn't mean that I insult or attack them for it, or their tastes. To each his own, live and let live.
  14. My 3rd favorite track from 20 Y.O. after Take Care and Enjoy, a lovely and relaxing piece of work!
  15. Oh lord no, please just let this get where it's going and wrap up the TD era. 6 #1s and a #3 single is quite impressive, but enough is enough! TTT is making it's way, gaining pretty nicely on Rhythmic already and going for adds at Urban next week!
  16. That's how all threads on here go though. A huge part of this thread that I have a problem with is the non-stop disrespect towards Rihanna or any artist for that matter. Yes, I am a Rihanna fan, but I am not a "rihtard" (what mature adult would use this kind of offensive language?), I am not cheap (I own all of her physical albums and paid $60 to see her in concert), and I do believe she is talented. You don't have to write every song, oversing every syllable, and dance at the same time to have talent. Different strokes for different folks. I respect Rihanna for being only 4 months older than me and being successful in her career. If I was living my life and doing what I love, I'll be DAMNED if someone said I wasn't talented or good at what I do. You better be successful in your career, if you have one, that is. Just because you don't like an artist or a person doesn't give you the right to be venomous or hateful. You're just wasting your time and energy. Some folks need to find a better hobby.
  17. "We Found Love" is back at the top, where it belongs!!
  18. I love that you all took time out of your day to discuss Rihanna, she surely appreciates it.
  19. Oh, I gotcha! I know where you're coming from. Trust me, that's what I love about Janet. She's one of the few who can do it best though.
  20. I've seen this argument time and time again. Everyone approaches the stage differently. Rihanna focuses on singing and working the stage. The dancers do the majority of the choreography and she will come in from time to time.
  21. Kishi

    Tamar & Vince

    I will not watch. Tamar gets enough camera as it is, highly doubt I have the patience or tolerance to sit and watch only these two for an hour.
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