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Everything posted by trackboy

  1. just like your ignorance on a subject doesn't mean you're right. case closed and I'm done. Thanks for reaching your own conclusion.
  2. Those are still people. And I see you didn't clarify that black's and whites comment.
  3. he means alternative. other has never been a synonymous with confused.
  4. I think it's weird how gay's are quick to call someone confused about their sexuality; yet they get upset when social scientist use to say they were confused about their sexuality. Hell, people still say that gay people are confused.
  5. Okay, when you can present the argument of the scale in itself as a support of sexuality as a choice in an logical string i.e. in a a therefore b; b therefore c, so a therefore c; then I'll follow up. WHAT?
  6. On the contrary; I used the theory as a means to support my own beliefs on the issues. But I think the study is a valid one, but I can't take claim for someone's else's work. That's plagiarizing. This theory spectrum doesn't insist anything. It states what it is. Scholars don't insist. Kinsey presented the research as is.
  7. I think you might need to moderate that bisexualty thread though.
  8. How can I claim someone else's theory. That theory has nothing do with choosing which side of the spectrum someone falls on; just that most people fall somewhere out of the extremes.
  9. :lmao: :lmao: It's over now.
  10. Weren't you guys like forum best friends? or did I miss a falling out?
  11. Please. As stated even Beyonce did the Superman, Oprah lead her audience in the Superman. And Superman ushered in an era of ringtone singles and instructional dances. What has Beyonce influenced? Nothing. You can be a Bey a fan, but come on now. Her J-set wasn't even that crucial.
  12. So I hear that Nicki is selling another cool 100,000 this week. Nicki Minaj is who they ain't fucking with.
  13. Nigga, I did not claim that sexuality is a choice. Nor did I say Kinsey's theory was law. The question was, what do I believe and I told the poster what I believed, and you asked for a clarification because you had no knowledge of research in sexual orientation. It's not my problem that you aren't attracted to girls and only get your rocks off from ugly guys with pink cocks.
  14. trackboy


    I don't know what you'r talmbout.
  15. Enjoy. I've seen her four times. 3 out of the 4 were superb.
  16. That shit is everything. Took me by suprise!
  17. trackboy


    I need you to come back into the chat. I have some questions to ask you.
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