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Everything posted by vaquero

  1. yes listened to that song atleast 40 times before I went to bed still loved it clicked on the link earlier and hear the song 6 times
  2. would love for her to put this on her next album and do a video for it
  3. its the holidays where's your holiday spirit
  4. Mama Bush is fuckin gangsta like that.... makes you wonder what all her idiot followers are going to think about that
  5. man I havent listened to her music in a good minute she was all over the radio down here years ago
  6. vaquero

    My Ex Thread

    jbailey your ex is TOXIC you need to stop all contact with him
  7. vaquero

    My Ex Thread

    no we do not speak at all anymore with mine the last few months of our relationship, he was putting me on the back burner. People who he barely known for a month were getting more priority over me. so when that happened I left him. anyways, when he and I were "friends" I hadnt heard from him in 3 months, sent him a couple of texts and called him twice. Then out of the blue he sent me a forwarded text. I replied who it was since I didnt recognize the number. told me it was him and that he got a new number a month or so prior. so I bitched at him back that even as a friend, I was the last to know about his number change. that was the final straw and told him to leave me alone. havent heard from him going on 3 months
  8. vaquero

    My Ex Thread

    mine, after we broke up, went to having sex with others too. we had been together for 4 years. I tried being friends with him a couple months later, and he went on and on and on about the people he has hooked up with after we broke up.
  9. he went from 0 to moose mating call in 1.7 seconds!!!!
  10. nominees from this year and in the years past who lost the award of Artist of the Year, all said "WTF"
  11. my ass will be passed out on the couch from eating too much turkey I dont care if Vanilla or Chocolate will win
  12. he will slip back into his bitchy queen attitude soon enough Ellen asked him what he will do because he will lose money with his new change He said he didnt care but when that money flow starts to slow down badly he will turn back into the bitch he was
  13. probably in production But seeing the RWU tour the production for that was big too
  14. Ok so she is saying this is her biggest world tour I thought the janet tour was the biggest?
  15. G4 F6 Bb2 A8 when did they start using Bingo balls to classify notes?
  16. I hope she comes to San Antonio my coochie done swelled right now
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