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Everything posted by HollyHood

  1. THAT COVER IS TRASH. I'll wait for HQ version of Thirsty but I want more Popriah than Ratchetriah on the new album.
  2. NOT Pretty Hurts playing in the extended video! I kinda feel bad for Beyonce. Must have been hard to keep everything looking perfect and then this. I think I like Solange more now.
  3. Eagle-Eye Cherry Marc Anthony JT Money feat. Sole
  4. I agree, she should've used the pic used on her Billboard mag cover.
  5. Since Rainbow, I mean. I liked Rainbow, Glitter, Charmbracelet as album titles before, what did I know I was just a kid lol. I still think TEOM is a great album title because it's surprising coming from her, not very Mariah. E=MC2 was cute at first but . When I first heard Memoirs Of An Imperfect Angel, I just sighed "Ohhh Mariah."
  6. "The uploader has not made this video available in your country." Countryist much.
  7. I've already given up on her having edgy album titles.
  8. The JAPANESE version of MIAMTEC will include AMERICA THE BEAUTIFUL as bonus track. What kinda MESS Mariah?
  9. An MJ-esque dancing Shirtless Usher Hot girls posing/dancing Yep, seen this before.
  10. No one voted her off during the elimination rounds but no one as well wanted ha to win! She was paid absolute glitter dust!
  11. Thanks. There are other sites that I visit which also changed fonts so I guess that's the reason. Not complaining tho since Helvetica is the King of all fonts. *I don't know her*
  12. After installing Helvetica on my PC, the font in this forum changed. Anyone had this problem before?
  13. Does the tea party refer only to the politicians?
  14. I don't know who the reporters are in your CNN. I named some of the reporters I see in our CNN in my first post. Are you familiar with them? And yes I think we have different reporters for daily news.
  15. In my country, people treat it as the most reliable source! :umm: Of course we do. Do you think the rest of the world is always interested in your politics? I didn't even know Republicans are also called the "Tea Party" like wtf? We're only here for your presidential elections because it's good TV.
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