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Everything posted by HollyHood

  1. 25 times. Head to head is 14-11 in Serena's favor.
  2. Venus just defeated Serena in Montreal after 5 years!
  3. https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=502512596547789&id=100003671592122 MESS
  4. YAAASSSSS! Back To Basics is her best album and y'all will deal!
  5. LMAO, I was actually thinking of this earlier today. Bey, to our surpise, will perform Pretty Hurts and do the pageant question thing with a voice over asking her, "Ms. Third Ward, your first question - what is your aspiration in life?" to which she'll answer, "to be a single and independent woman again." Then the background screen which has been displaying "Mrs. Carter" will fade to a "Ms. Knowles"! Woooo yasss I know I'm doing tew much but I will LIVE if she does something along these lines!
  6. She's coming to Manila I can'ttttttttttt!
  7. YES MIMI THE QUEEN OF ASIA! I'm excited. I know what to expect. She'll probably stand in the middle and lip sync high notes and belts but whatever I'm fucking excited!
  8. I was beyond shocked when I heard this. They say this was a terrorist attack. I mean really?
  9. I don't know her. Are you surfing the web more with your phone or do you still use PCs?
  10. Some news channel, probably CNN. I really don't watch TV, I just turn the channel on and listen while doing something. If you have a time machine, what is something that you regret not doing in the past but now want to?
  11. Northeast Which sport has the hottest athletes?
  12. I loathe history but I'm sure I'd get an A by some other way.
  13. The past months, sleeping excessively. Like everyday I ask myself, do I want to live my life because I sleep 8-10 hours a day. How often do you travel?
  14. I used to when my faves were slaying and that was probably around a decade ago. Serena or Venus Williams?
  15. Big Apple. Why not? Airline you had the best experience with?
  16. I don't have one. I don't believe in having a "best" friend. If you were to live in another country, where would it be? Why?
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