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Everything posted by FreelovesJJ

  1. Nah I think fans assumed because Janet wasn't all over the place talking about Ciara she must have not "seen it for Ciara". Fans created that lie because some of them saw Ciara as a lesser. Janet never said anything close to, & I highly doubt she just dislikes or doesn't fuck with anyone who shows admiration to her legacy. There's no change of heart it's just public proof that you all have been wrong from the beginning. Teyana Taylor has also never met Janet & she stans for her. Janet has yet to mention her, do you all assume Janet doesn't see it for Teyana? For God sakes Janet is even nice to Raven & she's a basket case.
  2. I'm so happy for Ciara! I know this is the shit for her. Play time at Disney their children playing together.
  3. Game's record of being wrong is revealing itself to be at an all time high. I love it.
  4. 1. Anything 2. Got til it's Gone 3. Can't Be Stopped 4. You (one of her most brilliantly written songs) 5. I Get Lonely 6. Empty 7. Together Again 8. Special 9. What's About 10. Velvet Rope 11. Go Deep 12. My Need (this was hard to not bump up) 13. Rope Burn (want to bump this up too) 14. Free Xone 15. Every Time 16. Tonight's the Night Despite the order this album is perfect. But I think this is my list.
  5. Honestly I think these new dancers on the current tour are the best dancers she's had in years. This tour & Unbreakable that is. Go watch ANY of their videos on YouTube and you will see their skills are fire. To be completely honest - I don't think the choreography overall for the tour allows them to challenge themselves honestly. The choreo is great not complaining about it but when I've seen what they've done & what they're doing it's not anything where they can really be "wowing". My favorite of the past were Nick Bass from RWU, the black guy I THINK his name is Emo or Ed can't remember, the one who can break dance & spin on his head the girls of that era were never a highlight for me. As far as personality janet is 51 these dancers are mid 20s they have very little in common. She's not hanging with them like she used to. She's not growing up with them, she's more so like a mentor & legend who loves them & they remind her of the old days but the connection is not the same.
  6. I'm going to make a prediction. JUST A PREDICTION - this is bigger than just VR 20 year anniversary. Of course, IMO it is her masterpiece and best work & of course it's pop culture history...but as much emphasis as she's putting around this "return to home/LA" feels like something is coming. She's gearing up for a much wider release. A more public push of something. Yes the tour will continue, but her throwing a party...calling almost ALL the old dancers...teaming up with Spotify to remind you of her new & old music under the guise of a VR anniversary - then a mysterious picture of her doing something that Gil & Preston want to stay private...starting to do IG lives...engaging fans on social media...everything we've asked - not to mention the entire show being COMPLETELY fan friendly (all our desired tracks) something is coming - maybe the new music. But Janet IS creating buzz around her name, legacy, and brand. Where else to launch than in LA?
  7. Yea Shawn & Janet don't seem to really vibe like that anymore. Like at all. Idk what it is all about but she seems to consistently keep her distance. I can't wait to see what she does in LA. What song they perform together. That's a LOT of dancers.
  8. Question for everyone - How many people are coming to Atlanta for closing night?
  9. Agreed and he has more than Janet has. So him being out with the child would be considered much more low key.
  10. That's honestly just an excuse fans use to dissolve Janet of the same equal judgment. Janet ABSOLUTELY knows a different world of avoiding paps. She does it artfully. She avoided cameras for literally years. She's talked about going to the movies and ppl never being able to tell she's been there. She grew up in this world so she also very skillfully knows how to maneuver through it. Her publicity moves are the equivalent of Wissam. Not to mention he's probably ALWAYS been out & about but it wasn't until Janet that he would be stalked for it. He was just an unknown billionaire. Before Janet he would have been a completely unassuming man out pacing with his son & quite honestly to the average person - he still is. You don't see any paparazzi rushing or crowding him like they do Janet. He's ALWAYS without visible security. Fans analyze it to be more because they know him & who he is...whoever walked by him didn't look at him twice. The guy even said - nobody on my Snapchat will know who this is... Matter of fact, look how everyone is treating him in the vicinity. If that was Janet do you think it would be the same? It's probably more normal for him to be out chilling in plain sight than it would be a megastar like Janet (unfortunately)
  11. You DO know when Janet is spotted out with Eissa from the lead up of her in the park with him in the stroller to him & her randomly standing on the corner waiting for her lunch meeting to arrive to the store photos - it's ALL purposeful & planned. I don't understand fans trying to demonize Wissam for doing exactly what Janetnis doing. Janet has ALWAYS been private. Now she's being more "public" but Wissam & Janet are not so far a part in their privacy ideals. Maybe because he's married to a megastar when he's in public now it's more documented. He could have always had equal amounts of time in the public but paps didn't hound him. Do you ever see pictures of Mark Zuckerberg just out and about? That doesn't mean he barely goes out it just means the paps don't care.
  12. My point exactly. Also the fact that Wissam is willing to travel around the world for his, despite being publicly embarrassed by the mother that in itself shows a dedication to his child. And the fact that Janet let's the reigns loose for it means she knows beyond all the personal shit he loves his child. She trusts that enough to let it be. Fans might not agree but when adults have disagreements there's usually 3 sides to the story. Both people's side and the truth. Honestly, there could have been times where Janet was COMPLETELY wrong & Wissam was COMPLETELY wrong and times where they just didn't communicate effectively. Instead of immediately seeing him as the villain - I think that's their business. Janet could be playing chess and taking jabs but she knows he loves his son enough to be there for him. No matter what.
  13. There's absolutely nothing to be concerned about lol, if Janet can parade Eissa around for the paps then Wissam taking him on a public walk is not a big deal. Janet doesn't seem worried. Despite the public chess they seem to be playing with each other Eissa is Wissams child & he has as much of a right to him as Janet does. Glad to see he's not being deprived of his fatherhood. Makes me respect Janet even more.
  14. More condescending shit. Fuck outta here dude. You're the equivalent of Norm playing dumb about shit. If you don't realize respect is not disrespecting people's religious beliefs by trivializing & belittling them then you lack basic skills.
  15. It's not a discussion about religion it's about respect. I never said any religious affiliation I have. Yet the troll imposed his assumptions on me for calling him out on being disrespectful to anyone with a faith based belief. It's purely about respect.
  16. Janet called herself a Christian. You don't want to believe it because the person you damn near worship would ultimately worship ideologies you disagree with. Yet another instance where you've been wrong. Just shut the fuck and try being humane. The fact you can't see that you all are disrespectful to others is dead ass sickening. You call some ppl great minds because yours might be too feeble to explore & challenge on your own. Nonetheless fuck off ive made my point whether you care or not. I'm sure bitchness in you will feel a need to respond.
  17. No one is talking about the Goddess bull shit, that's your obsessive prerogative. The condescending reference is Santa for adults. You're trivializing a VERY nuanced ideology by clustering them together for one specific narrative. I DID not specify which religious and/or spiritual practice that applies to. God, which Janet OPENLY believes in, conceptually translates in many different languages & practices. According to Randy, who Janet undoubtedly authorized to give the insight on her relationship as well as stated in her book True You, Janet is Christian. Scientific facts morph over time & vary based on whose scientific discovery you quote. Fuck off the high horse & stop being a fucking virus.
  18. I just wonder how much you both would consistently be condescending to Janet about her religious preferences if sitting in her presence. How often would you belittle her mentality and/or experiences? How much would you shun her perspective unwarranted for the sake of solely being a dick? How much would you brush off her ideology just the fuck because? I'd absolutely love to see you keep the same energy for the one you support, it's not about disagreeing or what you do or don't believe it's the fact you consistently jab ppl's beliefs. If I came on here and said "trans people are all psychologically insane" or "gay people are just perverse hurt little boys trapped in adult bodies" it would be unacceptable. Respect is in approach not agreement.
  19. It didn't have to be. You made a statement, multiple times before, that come off condescending to others you've been addressed. Period. "Kick back" is does not change that I directly let it be known.
  20. You didn't have to. The statement was specific to your post.
  21. Maybe it's a way of keeping a buzz around her name & it's definitely in LA at the Ivy. The Ivy is known for having paps out there - so if you go it's anticipated you'll see them. Now, maybe she does love the food there but it's a playground for media attention. She knows how to avoid cameras so this is always on purpose. Interesting nonetheless. Also while everyone has the entitlement to their opinion the condescending jabs at religious beliefs that @Dal & the troll take is disrespectful & old honestly. I don't see anyone evangelizing & ministering on this forum - not to mention the person you follow is a firm faith driven person, yet when "blessings" or God comes up - belittling the ideology is lame.
  22. It's always nice to see Janet getting love. Period. Probably thought about it after they met at Missy's show.
  23. In my opinion it would be Night and the run up would be Dream Maker, for me GBA was too vocally enhanced to give a nod to & it's not of my favorite tracks on there. Not bad but I'd have to be in the mood for it.
  24. Feels So Right is effortless greatness. She rides the music & her voice blends like an instrument. It is in the same vein as Island Life... Theres some songs where her voice is just the perfect sultry blend & she SINGS. I'm good on the choppy, light, whispery, vocals.
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