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Black Eagle

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Posts posted by Black Eagle

  1. career  via: http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/career

    • : a job or profession that someone does for a long time

    • : a period of time spent in a job or profession


     career via: http://www.dictionary.com/browse/career

    an occupation or profession, especially one requiring special training, followed as one's lifework:

    job via: http://www.dictionary.com/browse/job?s=t

    a piece of work, especially a specific task done as part of the routine of one's occupation or for an agreed price:

    Job may not encompass the entire definition of a career, but it is a component of one's career. Just because Janet is her own boss, doesn't mean she doesn't get paid based on output. The amount of money Janet receives is dependent upon the number of album and concert tickets she sells. And that's dependent upon the amount of promotion she does. And you're all forgetting that she has a deal with BMG for an agreed price. They get a cut from every dime she makes from this album. Rather she gets more from the deal or not  is irrelevant. She also has a partnership with Live Nation. If she doesn't do her JOB and perform then she'll have to reimburse them for all those cancelled dates, not that she hasn't done that before. With that said, her job should be a top priority. Her partnerships with BMG and Live Nation means she has a responsibility. Oh wait, that sounds familiar:

    job via: http://www.dictionary.com/browse/job?s=t

    anything a person is expected or obliged to do; duty; responsibility:


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  2. No she doesn't. She needs to take care of SELF and her FAMILY.. :umm: That is all. 

    Get off his dick bro. It wasn't cute when's bailey was doing it.. you're def not helping his weak ass case. Janet doesn't need some random ass fake fan

    Your appearance is what I was questioning. You come here attempting to defend your butt buddy but everyone sees through your bullshit. 


    No she doesn't. She needs to take care of SELF and her FAMILY.. :umm: That is all. 

    Your career still needs to be a high priority. And that hasn't been the case for quite some time. Don't use her pregnancy as a scapegoat for this half-assed era. Even before she got pregnant, everything about this era was poorly executed. This is Janet's strongest effort in nearly 20 years, yet she treated it as if it weren't. Releasing No Sleeep as a first single was not smart, as it didn't represent the album musically or thematically whatsoever, which is the main purpose of a first single. Janet being one of the most highly decorated visual artists and releasing two uninspired videos TEN MONTHS APART was not smart. Janet promotes "a new movement," yet never explains the movement or gage the general public to join her movement was not smart. Announcing a pregnancy and cancelling tour dates weeks before they are to start was not smart and unprofessional. And when she doesn't reschedule these dates, it will be the final nail in a touring brand that has been in the pits for nearly 20 years. But I already saw her twice on this tour so guess what I'll be doing?




    Get off his dick bro. It wasn't cute when's bailey was doing it.. you're def not helping his weak ass case. Janet doesn't need some random ass fake fan

    And you need to get off Janet's dick. Just because you can't give constructive criticism like an adult, it doesn't make me a fake fan.


    Your appearance is what I was questioning. You come here attempting to defend your butt buddy but everyone sees through your bullshit. 

    Mr. Wonder does not need my help defending his case. He's already proven how effective he is rather you want to admit it or not. I mean...11 pages strong and he still has you girls riled up. "Everyone sees through your bullshit." Who is everyone? You?


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  3. Janet Jackson doesn't need Austin.. period. 

    Austin didn't create the RN.. He didn't create Unbreakable.

    Austin hosted a TV special with low ratings. 

    Have several seats n00b

    No, Janet Jackson needs a better team and to actually care about her career...period.

    YOU need stop being in denial about Mr. Wonder's ongoing contributions to this fan base, it's rather childish...period.

    Trying to belittle me by calling me a n00b will do you no favors. My thread post count has no bearing on my ability to drag a bitch. Learn it, live it, love it...PERIOD.


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