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What were Janet's best moves in her career?


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Someone found her twitter. But you know the funny thing is she posted a video about it in response to that Janet video.

apparently this woman over thinks and under thinks at the same time, for one Janet's RN video like most music videos had imagery, a visual interpretation of what the artist intended to convey, here with RN, Janet shows several themes that tie to the message of the song, one Black is strong so she wore plenty of it. Secondly, there is strength in numbers, if we unite as a people and stop the divide, we can accomplish a lot in this world, "whether you're Black or White" yes UNITY, dancing in uniforms, dancing in step, Janet's RN is a powerful representation of the song, it displays a sense of strength and power fighting to get thru the darkness that engulfs our world with ignorance. I suggest Robin get out of the bird's nest dust off her VHS player and play the Long Form RN video and maybe she might learn something but from the looks of it she went from reporter to youtube trick and well that's a massive fail. :filenails:

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