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Everything posted by RaLpHieReBeL516

  1. she kept hashtagging #samegirl in every pic on IG like it was gonna be some hot shit, she is so corney now this song is hit but she def still looks damn good
  2. if he was she would have to be a practicing muslim before he even started dating her
  3. she wouldnt convert for HIM considering he isnt even a practicing muslim. if she did it it is for her own beliefs
  4. listening to this album, this shouldve been all toni with babyface producing i used to like him but he brings the album down for me
  5. i knew she was a fan, she used one of janets lines in one of her songs too
  6. i liked JC's debut minus that awful some girls dance with women and THAT was the first single
  7. yea aubrey put in work on her body and you know dawn is always dramatic i love her, she always kills the singing and dancing
  8. the reality show is going to be based around after they made their reunion and them rehearsing and recording their album and interviews and stuff
  9. its not a single its just a song they released for the fans their single is being released in the next few months is called rage, but youll probably talk shit before you hear it so it's w.e
  10. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kGbKny25ajM&sns=em i love it, now i just need "All in day's work" in HQ studio version, can't wait for their reality show on E! in the next few months !!!!
  11. riri stole the show on this song, i like how she sounds better and better with each song, dont care for the song, i only like riris parts
  12. bc racists see her skintone first she is BLACK to them and they both identify more with their black culture than their white culture
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