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Everything posted by *~WhitePicketDreams~*

  1. No need for a Discussion: Aaliyah > End.
  2. She did AMAZING! Loved her tribute and LOVED that they did some uptempo stuff!
  3. Who ever wrote that joke about Miss Hill needs to be FIRED. Not funny. I'm bored with this show so far. Yolonda and her gals brought down the house, loved Mrs. Usher...Dangelo.......other than that....ummm! Oh and child MELANIE FIONA.....she tore it DOWN! :clapping:
  4. Beyonce. So i can steal things and get away with it. Because she's such a great person. Or my girl Akeys...
  5. I like her too but has a lead co-anchor i always felt she was a bit to stiff/boring for the job. They Katie, Matt, Ann and Al were the best line up they had....oh and Meredith.
  6. Her make up is always too much. Still love her though. She has changed colors 2342343 times since the beginning of the Braxton's show.
  7. Yass Katie is free to date a real man now!
  8. I can get into it....but like Game said.....ummm this sounds her last 3-4 albums. These gals MUST step their games up. Regardless i do like what i heard.
  9. http://www.nydailynews.com/entertainment/television/ann-curry-ouster-shame-nbc-public-humiliation-longtime-today-veteran-article-1.1104585 NBC should be ashamed. She has been there for YEARS...a decade and some change if i am not mistaken. They treat(ed) her like trash! Now...is she LEGEND Couric or Meridith Verejus? NO! Is she about as interesting as watching a blade of grass grow! Sadly yes. BUT that does not give them the license to shade her the way they did! Terrible. Shame on NBC!
  10. :lmao: :lmao: bitch no she does not show up to that coonfest! This is her first EBT show in years. I wonder how much they payed her?
  11. :lmao: :lmao: bitch no she does not show up to that coonfest! This is her first EBT show in years. I wonder how much they payed her?
  12. Sooo this is def a song for the summer...... Alicia is smart. It's still gotta grow on me though...
  13. Their is more....get intew it! I had to go looking for most of it on yewtube....it's all on there! I don't think i've uncovered half of her unreleased stuff. Most of Alicia's best stuff to me, is her unreleased stuff! She left a lot of good goooood stuff off her albums. "Savior"..."Waiting for your love".....are "bonus" songs from "As I Am". Def get into "Savior"...i love it.
  14. The QUEEN will NEVER spend time in jail. Mrs. Hillejus is above the law.
  15. Danggggggggggggggggg! How old is she now?
  16. Ooop! Her next album should be called simply: Pregnant. It's gonna slay regardless.
  17. Well it's certainly light years better than her last albums first single. I'm not sure if this is a buzz single or the official single....not sure. Anywho...umm.....it has to grow on me. What y'all think? She's excited about it!
  18. Exactly. But Madea is getting a bit played out but that's another discussion.
  19. I can't believe y'all didn't give "Songs in A Classics" any love.
  20. I honestly don't get it either. It's a good song....but.....Mimi's best? Um...no. But everyone gags over it....dunno why.
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