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Everything posted by ThatOtherFan

  1. Outside of the fact that they broke into the man's home. The article IS full of slander, innuendo, and taking cheap shots at him. Because none of that is slander.... THANK YOU!
  2. Disgusting that they would do something like that...they literally broke into a home. That's not something to be marveled at.
  3. I was never in a delusion bubble. I don't think Game is either (well... not concerning this topic .... )
  4. I didn't say anything about him being in NYC has anything to do with Janet. I actually think it may be in relation to something else entirely... which is what I said earlier on in this thread. He's booking gigs left and right at the moment. I don't think Janet is at the "prepping for performances/videos" stage yet. With him recently doing gigs for K-Mart, Demi Levato, traveling with the Pulse Tour, etc... that leads me to believe he's not working with Janet at the moment. Contrary to popular belief, he isn't Janet's sole choreographer, but he is an integral part of all that and I would think Janet would want his sole attention on creating for her project. I could be wrong. I actually hope I am wrong. I want her back... NOW! lol Either way. looks like my prediction that 2014 is the year is correct... What were you saying Dayz?
  5. I know... I saw via instagram We're so desperate for any tea relating to Janet. lol
  6. He just got back in the city. He was in LA when I posted. He just wrapped a K-Mart commercial. lol Stalk Read his TL like I do and you would know these things!
  7. I don't think Gil is going to give it away this time. He knows a lot but hasn't spilled any tea. lol I also don't think Janet's at the "putting together performances" stage yet either. Gil has been working on commercials, choreographing stuff for Demi Lavato, etc (at least from what I've gathered from stalking his Twitter/Instagram accounts) that tells me Janet's nowhere near being ready to launch a project yet. Unless she's not working directly with him, which I believe she is. lol
  8. Thank you everyone! Selena is coming to read Jlo a bit! lol
  9. Gil is back in LA. lol Anyway, it's exciting! Good to know she's still working.... this wait is crazy! lol
  10. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WTztKfj4J_Y Finally uploaded a new LP. lol ENJOY... You better watch! Thank you...
  11. Yes, I still have it. lol I may re-upload it on my other Youtube channel or to Vimeo. Coming from you, that's a MAJOR compliment! Thank you, Austin! I actually already surpassed you, but thanks anyway. Thank you, Effrem.
  12. This. After the Rodeny King verdict/LA Riots, the African American community didn't trust the police and specifically the LAPD. It's was easier for those that wanted to believe in OJ's innocence that members of the LAPD planted evidence (especially after Mark Furman's testimony, or lack there of, about his past and things he may have said/done in regards to minorities) A lot of things played into OJ's favor, the public lack of understanding about DNA evidence (it was still all relatively new at the time) being another big factor.
  13. It's not funny, Rochester... From you... another MAJOR compliment!!!
  14. It's blocked on mobile because of copyright claims. That always happens with my Janet videos.
  15. Janet Jackson | ‪#‎InductJanet‬ | A Fan Tribute http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x1zx8qp_janet-jackson-inductjanet-a-fan-tribute_music For everyone that can't watch the #InductJanet video on mobile via YouTube. ENJOY! #JanFam
  16. Now it's juvenile... Just admit you're pressed about one of the fans in the video...
  17. You're right... I should have used your interview instead..... oh, wait....
  18. From you, Rochester... I take this as a major compliment.
  19. MJ was mentioned for a reason and it was used to show that Janet stands alone. You're in your feelings about the person who brought it up.
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