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Everything posted by ThatOtherFan

  1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hr86UfaVqbs I FINALLY finished the video. lol I did my best. If you watch, I hope you like it. *Edit* For everyone that can't watch the #InductJanet video on mobile via YouTube. ENJOY! #JanFam
  2. Read his Twitter. Nothing but a big contradiction compared to what he said in this thread.
  3. Reservoir doesn't own it, more like they acquired the right to add the songs to the expanding list of music the represent/licence. I'm pretty sure Blackground (I.E Barry Hankerson), still has a major say in just how Aaliyah's music is used.
  4. Is this the same Dayz from Twitter? Because...
  5. Barry is doing a film with Vh1, which we know the Diane and Rashad are against. I guess this Lifetime movie came out of nowhere and surprised even Barry. lol Actually, I don't think Rashad has said anything about the Lifetime movie yet. Barry is speaking for the "family".
  6. That's because he wants his Vh1 biopic to be first.... a film Aaliyah's mother and brother are against also.
  7. Don't be like that, Rochester. You must still be mad. It's okay. I still love you. Even when you're wrong. I don't debate just to debate. I'm just passionate about what ever topics I chose to discuss. I see you're still pressed over getting slayed in that thread though. Poor Dayz. I know, invite trade over to slay you this evening! Wait, you do that every day..... ....... Nevermind....
  8. Nope, not there... keep reading.
  9. Go back and read what you just wrote... Then go back and read what I've said... If you take the time to actually understand where I'm coming from..... Nevermind... so have you been to the 20/20 tour?
  10. Why wouldn't a person want a Disney film, or any film for that matter, to be multi-racial? However, that wasn't the only thing that flew over your head entirely. lol
  11. You missed the ENTIRE point of what I was saying. lol Even Rochester, though we don't necessarily see eye to eye on the topic, got what I was saying and where I was coming from. lol So yes, focus on 20/20 and exit the thread... or at the very least, TRY to grasp what I'm saying. lol
  12. Whether you agree or disagree... if that makes no sense, then just focus on whatever Julissa Timberflop is doing and exit the thread.
  13. Dayz.... I'm not the only one that has hoped/thought/predicted she was coming back this year. Stop your shit.
  14. That has nothing to with those characters having darker skin or not.
  15. It IS a fairy tale though. Nothing explicitly states that they have to be white characters.
  16. Most of Disney stories are based on fiction. Meaning that the "heritage" of the characters aren't important or integral to the stories. For instance, the main argument of the comment Bu posted is the background of the authors. That has little to do with the story themselves. Especially a story based entirely in fiction. The other argument is that of the stories setting. They would have a point with that, but again, it's FICTION, nothing explicitly states the character can't have another skin color. People of all races live in every corner of this earth. The truth is it is/was whitewashed, but it's from a time period where everything was presented as such. Even now "best" presentation of a production is seen as that which has an entire white cast. Instead of admitting to it and owning it, there have to be excuses for why something which isn't real is presented the way it is. BTW, you bring up the "Little Mermaid"... that's when Disney finally made the attempt to not present completely whitewashed product. Times are a changing... just not fast enough.
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