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Everything posted by BlackCat1989

  1. I was 5 years old watching Video Soul back in 1990!!! I saw the Alright video for the first time and was hooked. Janet has always been a mainstay in my life. Her music has helped me through a lot of tough times throughout my life. I feel like I know her. She's like that favorite auntie in my head. I could hear a Janet song and remember where I was in my life when that song came out.
  2. ATRL is a site full of kids. I once saw a thread there proclaiming Miley Cyrus a legend?! I knew than that I had to get the hell up out of there. Madonna fan are just as hateful to Janet when she is brought up.
  3. oh really now....So you call tongue kissing Drake(who was clearly) disgusted. Kissing Zoe K. Not to mention exposing a 17 year old girls breast at one of her concert s. Yeah what a great era....
  4. Madonna could have all of that....and I could still never get into her music. I don't care how successful she is. Madonna is Madonna. Janet is Janet.
  5. i don't see the humor in this....especially coming from a site like TMZ.
  6. I hate it when Janet fans argue.
  7. Damn! It's a civil war up in here! Not that it's right but I'be seen a shit load of Mj stans diss the hell out of Janet. Saying stuff like "Janet should've died instead of him". So the stuff Game says is kinda tame. Janet and Madonna are like day and night. Madonna thrives off of attention. Janet does not.
  8. Well of course he has a big say so. He is her husband. If they have a chance to have kids now. They had better take it.
  9. So you don't believe she's pregnant? She married Wissam in 2012. If they started trying right after and it didn't take until now....I can see that happening. Conceiving a child isn't as easy as people may think. It can take years for some couples.
  10. The baby wasn't on board at the time the tour and album were being planned. But she should definitely just cancel the rest of it.
  11. That clip was for the Fresh off the boat episode. Which aired on Valentine's Day. You guys are just gonna have to accept the fact that Janet has chosen her family (her baby and her husband) over her career. I can't even say I'm mad. Just let Janet do what she gotta do. She has had such a long career. She deserves this. Granted I don't like the way this era has turned out. Its her call.
  12. Leo! I never could understand those charts.
  13. Janet and Wissam have been married going on 4 years now. How do you know they weren't already trying. I don't for one minute think that Janet in the middle of her tour just decided to start a family. This was most likely something that had been in the works for years. But it wasn't working. Now they've had a breakthrough and they are taking it.
  14. You never know. If she is I want her to at least see some positivity on her own fan board about her baby.
  15. Janet, if you are reading this....I love you and I support you. Do what you feel is best for you! You have given your fans and the world so much. I know that life can throw you curve balls and you probably have had many. I want you to be happy. So do what will make you happy. Yes, the fans or disappointed....but they will get over it. Life is too short. Do what makes you happy!! I love you and I will always be a Stan!
  16. Yeah, its pretty fucked up the way some of the fans are reacting. Janet has been performing damn near her entire life! Let her have her baby! Damn!
  17. Wow! What a great read. Damn I wish I was old enough back than to hear the news of Janet being signed to that huge record deal.
  18. This!!!! I was so damn happy when I saw this! I never thought I'd see Janet become a mom. That baby is going to be beautiful!!!! I would rather see Janet becoming a mother than having another successful tour anyday. She's been there done that! On the downside....we will hardly ever see her or the baby....Dammmmn baby!!!!
  19. I love Poetic Justice! It amazes me to this day how many people still love this movie. Janet, her braids, and 2pac really made this movie.
  20. lol! I don't think she's being shady. She has spoken about her love for Janet before.
  21. It was deleted. Stevanna also deleted the comments off her post.
  22. The same thing goes on in my family. The only difference is the Jacksons are extremely famous. So their family drama gets put on blast.
  23. For some reason I don't think Stevanna dislikes Janet. I think that because Janet hasn't been in her life like that she gets tried of people saying that's who she looks like. She might also feel unloved by the Jacksons. When she graduated from college back in 2013. The only Jackson family member that came to her graduation was Joe Jackson. Her own father and other siblings didn't show up. Now fast forward to Prince's graduation last year. Quite a few Jackson family members showed up. If that was my family I would definitely feel some kind of way. Especially if my father didn't show up. But that's still no reason to diss Janet.
  24. yeah, I saw that. That mess wasn't cool. She should have checked him too. How the heck can he say Janet wishes she could produce a child that looks like Stevanna when Stevanna looks like she could be Janet's damn daughter!
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