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Everything posted by BlackCat1989

  1. I was gonna post it too. But I decided it was to early. And I don't care what anyone says Prince and Mj did not like one another. The shade that they have thrown each other way is very telling. Kinda like Janet vs. Madonna.
  2. lol! Did you read the Billboard article about Prince walking around Paisley Park saying "Fu*king Janet Jackson Fu*king Janet Jackson"? He was pissed off because she had signed that $80 millon record contract. But yet people still feel she should go out her way to tweet about him. I'm sure she called up Jimmy and Terry after she heard but yeah.....Janet wasn't trying to befriend Prince.
  3. Yeah, I think she will release it on her Bday. That would be perfect. Damn i still can't believe Janet is 50.
  4. Exactly! Beyonce and Drake are of this generation. So of course they are going to dominant.This is their time....but in the next 10-15 years you will start to see their fans ranting about the newer artist getting all of the shine. I don't have a problem with it. Its like Diana Ross trying to compete with Janet and Whitney back in the late 80's and 90's. That shit wasn't going to happen. I'm just glad she is still going to put this video out. Because I was starting to think we weren't going to see it.
  5. I don't get you at all. One minute you are complaining about Janet hiding and not doing anything....the next minute you're saying she shouldn't release anything because of other artists. I could give two shits about Drake or Beyoncé. I don't listen to any of their music. But I am here for some Janet. So bring on that damn video!!!
  6. Honestly I don't think she could have said or did anything to please the public's fake outrage. You guys just don't know how racist this country can be. She was damned if did and damned if she didn't. Had it been Madonna or Britney Spears it would have been done and over with. America was essentially putting Janet back in her place.
  7. When I heard Janet explain what was supposed to happen regarding the red bra....I was bewildered. Especially at that time. Janet always had 3 strikes against her. She is a female, she is black, and she is a Jackson. People always say that her being a Jackson helped her immensely during her career. But it also hurt her. At that time MJ was public enemy #1. And when this happened the media lumped her right in with him. I actually heard old ass Don Imus say "Oh she looks just as ridiculous as her freak of a brother!" I was so pissed off by that comment. Because for years Janet had managed to stay above the pray. When this happened she give them the ammunition to do exactly what they wanted to do all along. It was crazy to me that months after this had happened the media was still talking about it. They acted like she had murdered somebody. It was hard for me to watch the news back then.
  8. Funky D is full of shit! You say he is a Janet fan, but he stays shading the fuck out of Janet even before the postponements. He supposedly has tickets to see her in Miami back when it rained and a lot of people got there late. Well I don't even think he made it to that show and he still was talking shit. I hope Janet stays away from this evil ass industry and lives the rest of her life in peace and happiness. I get so tried of people bashing her even though she has given us the best damn years of her life.
  9. If the industry is this evil, which I believe it is.....why do you want Janet to return to it?
  10. This scares me. Because I believe it. People forget that Janet didn't chose to be an entertainer. She was essentially forced into it by her father. I too believe that Janet thrives in seclusion. Its most likely very peaceful for her. Just try to put yourself in her position. She's been famous since she was a kid. That does something to you. We saw it in Michael. But something tells me that Janet has demons but she is far better at maintaining them then her brother was. Another thing about Janet is that she keeps the people around her to a very small minimum. She seems to have very few industry friends. And she doesn't hang with a lot of other celebrities either. She knows what's up.
  11. But his career didn't really take off until the 80's. So he is considered an 80's Icon.
  12. And this is exactly why I wasn't at all mad at Janet for her recent postponements. It sadden me so bad to come to this site and to see so many of her so called fans going in on her as if she owes any of us anything. Prince was sick and was still out here preforming...and now he's dead. So yeah Janet take your time and take care of yourself. Now that MJ, Whitney, and Prince are gone. Janet and Madonna are the last of the huge 80's Icons. I hope some you on this forum appreciate Janet much more after this. Life is too short! Rip Prince....I can't believe I just typed that.
  13. Wasn't Being T scrapped because someone came forward claiming that the project was stolen from under them? That person threatened to sue Janet and whoever else involved.
  14. I think Whitney should be in too! But her chances aren't great. Janet and Mariah will both probably get in before her. I was shocked to also learn that neither Cher nor Barbara S. are in. It's any wonder that they even nominated Janet. I would have loved to see Janet inducted this year. If she gets in next year....I wonder if she would go.
  15. No she should have done exactly what she wanted to do. She gave us her best album in years. And I still listen to Unbreakable on the regular. And family comes first.
  16. huh? What is this suppose to be telling us? All this could mean is that she gained some weight and doesn't want to be photographed. And Janet has done that before. If Wissam was so controlling and didn't want her working....then there would have been no album or tour in the first place. Sidenote~ those two guys on the right look thristy asf! lol!
  17. Ugh!.....Are y'all even fans anymore? You guys act like Janet's career hasn't come first for virtually her entire life. Like damn she's put out some of the best videos ever. Let this lady live! I love Janet as an entertainer, but I also want her to be happy in her personal life. And if that means starting a family and having a baby with her husband....then so be it. She will release the damn video when she release the damn video! And why do y'all keep bringing up Beyonce? She has nothing to do with whether Janet releases a video or not.
  18. And remember around this time last year Wendy Willams was also talking about Wissam and Janet getting a divorce because Janet wasn't happy with her new life. She reports the same stories the blog put out. And when it comes to Janet they are always wrong.
  19. If his people are giving him grief over a baby. Then they definitely should have been giving him grief over marrying a 46-47 year old pop icon known for her sexually explicit performances and music. And Wissam has two older brothers who are married with kids. So it's not like they don't have heirs. Having kids is a huge topic amongst couples. I seriously doubt they didn't talk about this before marriage. And not everyone wants to have kids with the people they are with. Maybe Janet is the woman he wants to have kids with. Remember he was married before too.
  20. Exactly!!!! That was in late 2012 around the time they got married! I was like damn Janet why you let the paparazzi catch you with all them pill bottles.
  21. But what's wrong with Wissam wanting to have a baby with his wife? When they first started dating I was shocked to learn that in his late 30's and being as wealthy as he is....that he didn't have at least have one kid. Janet married Wissam knowing that he would want a child. So by her marrying him she knew that was going to be something that they would have to do right away given her age. And I'll bet money that as soon as they got married they were trying for one. Remember 2013 and 2014 Janet was nowhere to be seen.
  22. It was a radio interview sometime in 2006 while she was promoting 20 Y.0.
  23. lol! Why is it so hard for you to believe that Janet wants kids? I heard Janet say that she wanted kids with JD when they were together. And even though I don't believe Janet has a secret kid out there. I do believe she got pregnant from James Debarge but loss that child. Rene was the one she didn't want kids with for some reason.
  24. DAMNIT! I want to participate, but my pics never post.
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