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Everything posted by BlackCat1989

  1. What did the Weekend say? The Will Smith thing is funny because I've seen him shout Janet out(in a positive way) many times. He even had a Janet poster above his bed in one of the old episodes of The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air.
  2. Raven has always been a Janet Stan since she was a little girl. I remember her mentioning Janet on The Cosby show as a little girl. Her and Rudy.
  3. Its time for Janet to get another tribute. These younguns need to know what true talent is. I see so many new artist now talking about how Janet has influenced them.
  4. Yeah! I've seen this posted and tweeted about a lot in the last week. Its funny because their about 13 years late. Lol! I've always loved this song and that performance. "Would you mind" is always being tweeted about. It is Janet's most tweeted about song believe it are not. The reactions to people seeing it for the first time is hilarious.
  5. I know that most mean it as a compliment to her, but I must confess. I hate it when people say it. To me it strips her of her individuality. It is just another way for one to say that she got everything she knows from Mj. She is talented in her own right. I have never heard someone say that Michael is the male version of Janet. Its always the other way around.
  6. I don't like this at all. The disrespect is real. I as a Janet fan did not find this funny.
  7. I know that some people mean this as a compliment to her. But I sometime feel that's its more of a compliment to Mj then to Janet. Some thoughts please!
  8. I wouldn't be surprised if they have already offered her one of these. I see some of the people who have done them and I think to myself "if they got one Janet should definitely have one".
  9. Lol! You are a got damn mess. I can't.
  10. No overhyping! They are great. It doesn't matter if their white or black.
  11. Wow! This blew my mind. I feel like Janet should hire them as her new band. This was so funky! I would love for Janet/Jimmy/Terry to see this. So good!
  12. I would love yo see it. I want her to be involved and to tell story that we don't already know.
  13. Janet is so damn mysterious! I love it, but I also hate it. She's one of those people that you could never guess what's on her mind. I would really like to see a new interview with her,unrehearsed tho.
  14. ZillaNoise.com/mucis-pass-my-way-siraj-khajif/
  15. I really want to but I don't know how. I've just recently figured out how to post pics, but whenever I try to post links or YouTube clips they don't go through.
  16. This is nice! Janet has to be one of the most sampled artist today. I see so many great DJ's remixing and sampling her music. There is a DJ named Siraj Khalif out of Atlanta who just released a remake of "someone to call my lover" called "pass my way". It's so smooth and features the famous Friday scene in the song.
  17. Why was my comment removed?

  18. I am not a Beyonce fan so I don't know any of her choreographers. I haven't seen not one Beyonce interview or tour. I don't dislike her. I just don't like her music. And believe me I have tried. I just can't get into her.
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