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Everything posted by JoeJoe

  1. I was crackin' up at that dumb whiteboy who kept laughing
  2. People in the hood don't listen to or watch Madonna so i'm sure many growing up prolly don't know who she is lol
  3. Phoenix is an entity that has to have a body as a host. Must I post a pic of Storm almost becoming an entity by her damn self?
  4. Don't do it yellowness Well all know the cartoons played Storm's powers down just like the damn movies so let's not
  5. Um if Professor Xavier had to stop Storm from killin' the bitch then it means she could beat her
  6. I knew Storm was capable of beatin' that bitch's ass
  7. Do we have an X-Men thread at this forum cause I heard Prof X had to stop Storm from killing Phoenix
  8. u know u comin 2 see Janet in nyc !!

  9. Im loving that the PS3 version will have Kratos from God of War in it. XBOX version is gonna suck
  10. This is why Storm is my favorite X-Men and super-hero. The Goddess can't be fucked with period!
  11. I already said it many times. Janet's performance ended American Idol
  12. duh I'm saying although that happens Gay and Straight guys will still call that person Gay and that's why I call them 1 dimensional and won't learn much about life if they think that way
  13. so anybody find out how bald Nicki really is?
  14. ugh I can't wait til she grows her hair
  15. don't worry they do the same to me so you just gotta ignore it
  16. No. They can get with a girl every once in a while. I already know a guy named Cory who's gay but he still sleeps with girls every now and then but he claims gay. That's what i'm saying. If you stick your dick in a vagina then you're not gay. I'm sorry but you're not.
  17. Yep....some people just like to be 1 dimensional and it sucks for them cause they'll never fully learn anything in life being that way.
  18. I agree with everything you're saying and I also believe some people say they're gay but are actually bi. Some will actually fuck girls but prefer to be in a relationship with guys. Same with girls....some are bi but prefer to be in a relationship with a guy. Its those 1 dimensional gays that want everyone else to be totally gay so they don't believe in bisexuality and therefore try to say someone is hiding being gay. If someone is truly 100% gay they don't want their dick in any female hole.
  19. The guy is hot, too bad he has herpes now don't look like he lickin nothing but her face
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