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Everything posted by vibeology

  1. I said before that I work at concert venues in London and every time I assess the stage, all I'm thinking is "would there be a enough space for the strobe box?" ?
  2. well I can only talk as a European fan who hasn't seen her here...I feel its somewhat justified. It hard watching the SOTW slayage online and thinking cant this bitch slay us too?
  3. Where are you hearing this??? Ugh...Mutha gives me such anxiety
  4. There seems to be a lot of interest in this film. I thought it would only attract older crowds but no it seems?
  5. Talking of Asians, I just watched a film called Searching about a girl who goes missing and Dad realises he knows nothing about her life when trying to find her. I'll give it an A.
  6. Is it me or did she speak Spanish between 3:30 - 3:35???
  7. I work at a lot of concert venues in London and have been genuinely thinking which would be the best venue? Somewhere where the stage is big enough for the full SOTW visual and not so big that it doesn't sell well. Loved the performance and definitely to be watched a few more times
  8. I imagine the themes will be slightly different so I dunno
  9. ??? "The Tour Formerly Known as State of the World Formerly Known as Unbreakable Tour" I wonder what itll be called by the time it gets to Europe.
  10. Ya see I actually thought about her being registered as a business and surely living expenses would be offset against it.
  11. Qtip: U just blew up on me didn't you" J: "In more ways than one" (dirty laugh) 1:10 - 1:27 We know what went down
  12. Quite plausible...but you'd think it was easy to do. just set up a direct debit ? or even better buy a property!
  13. I agree re. Prince...I meant more to Janet. I don't recall Janet being vocal about such matters
  14. I still bop hard to her first two albums so ill def take a peak
  15. Euro "promo" kicking in I guess. So curious about how things are gonna go down here.
  16. You've been busy touring, promoting and looking after your baby...its alright, we understand ?
  17. Thanks for bringing me back/its been awhile. I like(d) the song, but never bother to look up the lyrics, though I knew it was Daybreak from the thread title.
  18. well yeah ? I thought u meant for my regular commuting
  19. for fun mainly...exercise is a sub benefit. I have a car for travel. I tend to cycle when Im abroad to get round a city and see sites. I did it during summer in my city and I plan to do more.
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