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Everything posted by Dal

  1. Can’t say he’s in a better place, that’s for sure
  2. I’m looking forward to hopefully seeing that old ET clip of Justin damn near literally throwing her ass under the bus (“I don’t want to be part of a stunt, that’s not my style”) being shown all over the internet in response to him accepting this offer. I want to say that he should know better, but alas I cannot. and this will be the third fucking time his ass would be on the Halftime stage.. there are so many other choices of folks who’ve never gotten near the SB stage (i.e. Rihanna, Maroon 5, Taylor Swift, Drake, Eminem, Kendrick Lamar, The Weeknd, etc).. I realize most of those artists would prolly turn down the offer for the same reasons Jay-Z did, and Taylor Swift is under contract with Coke so she won’t be doin anything Pepsi sponsored, so I get all that.. and of course that just leaves the door wide open for Justin Timberfake to step right into another black person’s shoes and accept something that should rightfully be there’s and pass it off as his own
  3. hole up hole up hole up!! wasnt it you just a few days back who was tellin me that if I wanted to discuss trump and the impending nuclear war with North Korea to go discuss that in the misc forum..?!? But now since it’s about JT then we should just all accept it and not cause any commotion over this..?
  4. Think about it: This is SUCH a Justin Timberlake thing to do.. he is aware of the policitcal and social climate that is taking place everyday at this very moment in time. African Americans and other minorities all across this country are reeling week after week from unjust treatment and blatant racism and prejudice, from the bottom of the trashiest trailer parks to the highest of our nation’s leaders. He was one of the main players, and beneficiaries, in one of the most overblown cases of fake outrage, largely evidently due to race. He pulled it off of her... she did not do it to herself. Knowing what we know now, he should’ve just grabbed her by the pussy on that stage! What would it have mattered..? and what does this mother fucker go and do..? He observes all this and says to himself “yea I deserve to be on that stage after all the preferential treatment I’ve received and all the White Privilege that I yearn for...this is the perfect time in this nation’s history to take from one culture and sell it as my own...I’ll do it!
  5. naaaw I actually think Janet included Bodak Yellow clip in her show because it was already blowing up...plus she liked it obviously ??
  6. Tell Me When To Go https://instagram.com/p/BZc9LuLlVYP/
  7. I bet it’s aktiv that throws out suggestions for song choices when it comes to the Nasty breakdown haha
  8. my wife, daughter and I got upgraded st the Unbreakable show in SF back in oct 2015.. it went like this: -my wife and kid went to the restroom about 30min before showtime.. I went and waited for them outside the restroom.. -out of the blue Joey and someone else walked by and I reached out my hand and said “hey joey, nice to see you around. I’m a big fan and notice you in all the pics and clips of Janet walking around” -he said “hey thanks for coming, enjoy the show” and walked off -my wife and daughter came out the bathroom and we stopped at the merch to get a tour book.. we bought it and went back to our upper level $60 seats.. -as we were walking up the stairs, I was a few steps behind my wife and daughter and then suddenly Joey came out of nowhere again and tapped my wife and asked her if she’d like to be on the floor.. -I didn’t hear any of what he said cuz of the music, but I finally reached them and then my wife asked what I thought and I said “what” and then Joey turned to me and offered to swap my tix for floor and I was like “most definitely!!” -we traded tix and then we got to the floor and lo’ and behold they were front fuckin row (Joey never said front row, just “floor” seats) We’re pretty sure Joey only offered the upgrade because he noticed our daughter, Alex, who was dressed up sort of like Rhythm Nation, because he damn sure didn’t offer when I said hi to him a few min before that.. (a pic of my daughter when we went to the show, it won’t embed) https://instagram.com/p/8y77wJNOV5/ Anyway, idk how folks are getting upgraded this time around.. we’re going soon and hopefully we get lucky again.. prolly won’t tho
  9. dumb, you say? So now who’s the one calling people “dumb”...?! ? syke! I know you were just saying what he actually did was dumb, not himself...unlike what you tried to say I did when I talked about folks’ ideas.. my bad tho just had to call yo ass out one time.. but anyway, I’m actually glad he reminded folks about this episode cuz my daughter, who’s a huge JJ fan, hasn’t even seen this yet so she’ll be geeked up about it when we watch it..
  10. the thought wasn’t just pulled out of thin air n she did ? https://twitter.com/janetjackson/status/910886508114128896
  11. Apparently the show was the same as usual, nothing even said about the JJ album anniversary, even tho she said on twitter that she’d celebrate it that night at the show (which was mostly just subtle promo for that specific city)..
  12. So did she do any “celebrating” for the JJ album anniversary?
  13. oh shit that's right ur in Hollywood.. what other dope celeb sightings have u had?
  14. did I not tell u the kick tf back..? I wasn't tryin to debate anything with u and I let it be known.. consider yourself belittled if you damn well please bruh idgaf where tf did u come from..? ? go back into ur safe space if u can't handle words typed on the internet.. just so you're aware, I don't think I nor Game said that people must believe (or not) anything we said.. secondly (and I'm dumbfounded as to why this bares repeating), all y'all got you're thongs in a bunch cuz I asked Norm a simple side query into some verbiage he chose.. that's it ?? and to be clear, I called nobody dumb, merely some bad ideas (read my thoughts again if you missed that, unless you're going to get all in your emotions again, then don't).. y'all are too much ??
  15. all of this above ☝? = ? when I disagree with you, I legit disagree with you.. but when you're good, you're good... dude idk why you're even wanting to discuss anything.. whatever tangent you're attempting to take people on came out the blue.. you're gonna try and say that it was me who started shit, but ya dead wrong there too.. I simply asked Norm a side question posed to him and only him.. he responded, it was done.. but then you tryna say that since we're all Janet fans then we should agree and support everything she does (including her religion..??) like she's a cult leader and we all drank the kool-aid.. nope, that's just dumb.. I also know that there isn't an invisible sky pervert watching everything everyone does, but if you and others (and Janet) choose to believe that for your own lives, then more power to you...everyone is entitled to have their own dumb ideas.. Janet also likes dick, I don't.. should I feel bad about that too..? ??
  16. to be clear I wasn't offended by any of that.. I simply wondered why you chose the language you did in describing the topic at hand ("blessed"), when I already know you and I are on the same anti-theist plane.. all good tho
  17. and my post wasn't specific to you... Kick. Back.
  18. I get it, I do.. I just simply don't view anything as a "Gawdess/Godess/God/Gawd/etc".. in the context of you viewing Janet as one/all of those things, it makes sense.. and I get the whole "omg" thing, everybody says that and it don't mean shit ? Kick back bruh I didn't quote you ?
  19. quick observation side note: for someone who says God is equal to "Santa for adults" (and I concur), you sure toss out the word "blessing" quite readily.. you're prolly using it in a facetious manner tho, so that'd make sense..
  20. For a split second she was covering Eissa's face from the cameras, until Joey stepped in front. Due to the amount of photogs it seems like this was in LA, she had to have known she'd be spotted and photographed.. I wonder what she was doing just walking down a sidewalk ?
  21. I mean we can list song after song of different vocal "highlights," but if we're allowed only a single track to submit as her best vocal performance, for me, it'd have to be Unbreakable... with GBA as a close runner-up, but def Unbreakable is her best vocal perf on the album imo..
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