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Everything posted by Dal

  1. Imo Unbreakable (the song) is most likely her best vocal performance on that album, mainly solely due to her ad-libs, alone!
  2. If they had his contest before the Austin show, then we ALL prolly woulda won front row seats there! Haha buuurn ?
  3. no its eleventy... keep up Norman!
  4. Fkn great idea... Just clicked on your link! Here's mine: https://wn.nr/6JCUWv
  5. nooope! And my daughter actually wants to see it after I showed her the trailer just to gauge her reaction to something that scary...didn't even phase her. She wanted to go to the theater with me to see IT and I told her since it's rated R that I would have to watch it through first and then decide. And since there's so many F-bombs and the boys talking about their dicks again and again, not to mention the violence, I told her she can't watch it. But I did tell her when I can get it at home, I'd let her watch the first 10 mins or so, but right after the clown (SPOILER!) bites that kid's arm off, she can't see anymore after that. She was like "ugh fine!" but maybe in a couple years I'll try to watch it with her.
  6. Just finished watching Stranger Things for the second time, this time with my 8yo daughter who absolutely loved it and is now obsessed with it! She's going to be Eleven for Halloween now (and Rey from Star Wars for our Halloween party at Disneyland).. sometimes I forget just how in tune with nuance and detail my daughter is. She was legit picking up on things from the show that I hadn't even noticed or realized, even after watching it twice.
  7. Apparently ?... go do some more Janet research bruh, you're gonna need it if you're sticking around here..
  8. bruh if tiffany haddish is there then I can't wait to see her IG Story posts cuz she be goin off on those lately about shit she love ??
  9. sorry can't take you serious in anything anymore after you've been proven wrong time and time again just this month alone ? ✌?
  10. yea you have! You THOUGHT you knew shit about Janet.. but you didn't.. you were wrong for yeeears!! Do you even Janet bro..?! Hahahaha what a loser
  11. that's categorically false that I believe "everything she does is MJ related"... Norm, you've been proven wrong about Janet twice in just the past few days, regarding topics you've fiercely debated for years.. maybe check your fan card at the door........or, at the very least, your arrogance...and stfu
  12. He could've meant "new Janet" like music from the Unbreakable album.. he did just become part of her company, so it's possible he was doing some research and listening to what that company has put out (hence, new Janet music to him).. or it could be legit new music from Janet and in that case then dooope
  13. Loved IT... that projector part in the garage made me jump like no other horror flick has before! ??
  14. ok cool we good then.... and fuck Game again right?! Yeah buddy high five! ??
  15. uhh ? are u really comparing the way I react to people's comments in here..?! Who even keeps track of that shit.. Dude in this very thread I straight up told Game fk u for doubting some old shit I said a while back that just today got proven true (I said jp but I mean..).. should I say the same to u..?! ? and u said u are still doubting the undoubtedly authentic Janet quote about not having whitneys voice.. I was surprised cuz imo there should be no question ..anyway who cares
  16. dude needa smoke a bowl, kick back solo wit the lights low and turn this shit on and figure shit out
  17. thanks for the details.. I'll prolly just wait til the Janet parts on YouTube to see them.. I'm not about to sit through much of a documentary about any makeup artist.. although I'm sure it's prolly fascinating to most
  18. So was there any cool Janet tidbits in the doc? I didn't see it but I heard there were some behind the scenes of the filming of the Scream video
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