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Everything posted by Dal

  1. I think if Janet showed up solely to present missy the vanguard award then that would be justifiable.. ain't nobody saying she should be seated giving reaction shots to the latest Miley Cyrus performance or anything like that.. and ur right, not a whole lotta iconic artists are making appearances at the VMAs lately, but it wouldn't hurt.. it's not like Janet would lose fans if she did that, merely gain a new young fan or two potentially..
  2. Missy deserves it and Janet should be the one to present it to her
  3. I. Can't. Wait!!!! That 4mintrailer got my dick all kinds of hard!!!
  4. you have a really low bar for what you call a "win" Norm
  5. maybe it's just me (it prolly is around here), but the fact she's just standing around allowing her kid to be photographed over and over and over and over and over (mind you, I only got to the third page of pics on that site) lowkey makes me wanna reach thru my phone and yell "ayy! Stop it! Take him inside or put joey between the baby and the paparazzi!" I mean I guess it's not as "in your face" as plastering him on the cover of US Weekly or something, but like it's almost too much..... cute fkn kid tho!
  6. I'd agree with that.... ...and she has a podcast now..?
  7. I damn near puked during that shit and vomit montage showing what Samwell had to endure ?
  8. I liked how the RN opening was also a magic trick basically.. and her hair was never effed up after she was laying down hiding in that platform lol you're right about the AFY opening.. I liked how she and her dancers came down on this column lifts, but the stage was so barebones at the start, sorta boring to look at.. also that photo slideshow looked like something a middle schooler created on the library computer lol
  9. I pretty much agree with everything u said about the theme.. what I loved: the routines/mixes/songs that she brought back after forever for some of em.. I liked how many songs she did (35 or 36 right?) even tho she was noticeably exhausted by the end and almost seemed to not give a fuk lol.. and I even liked most of the costumes too (didn't care for the sailor or the maroon ones tho).. I thought the hawk was dope and another nice departure.. loved the opening space theme and how she did 3 classic songs straight into the new FB.. loved the stage and catwalk she had (all those bring it back!).. the opening was awesome (still can't figure out how she appeared right behind the wall of smoke so fast).. all the lifts/trapdoors/screens/PYROOOO/effects, the 2 ginger dancers, and more that I can't think of.. what I didn't like about it: The whole storyline, video interludes of evil/good Janet, her screaming for her life on the floor (especially the shows she did after she "claimed" to have vertigo...awkward), the maroon outfit, discipline, and the fact that it was way too obvious that she was lip synching everything
  10. me being an atheist has nothing to do with comprehending the "story" that was attempting to be told on that tour.. people who love Star Wars don't need to believe in aliens or live in a different galaxy (or a long time ago) to understand what's going on.. it just wasn't a good story imo.. tbh I don't really place a ton of that blame on Janet tho, her creative team (i.e. Gil) had been lacking around that time..
  11. pretty much yea.. my mom was somewhat religious also.. I remember sitting in the main sanctuary at church one Sunday and as she sat next to me she ran down the list of 10 commandments and explained them one by one to me.. I was probably about 10 or 11 at the time.. I think for her, she needed to grow more on her own.. and as of now she's against organized religion also.. people evolve their beliefs or lack thereof on their own time
  12. yes... RWU was an incredible show and such a departure for her.. it felt like a 2.5hr live music video.. easily her best tour imo.. except for the seriously stupid video interludes and her rolling on the floor screaming like she was being raped by some invisible force.. ugh *shutter*.. other than that, it was damn near perfect
  13. my grandmother is as religious as they come.. her life revolved around her church practices.. she was in the church choir, she would partake in church plays and productions, even around Christmas time we could only buy Christmas trees from her church (even though they were expensive asf, her excuse was "well the money goes to the church"..ugh).. when I was a kid (ages 8-12) I would damn near skip to church because I loved going... after a while I realized I enjoyed church moreso for the social aspect (had a lotta friends there) as opposed to the teachings and all that.. but to answer ur question, I think I knew when I was about 15 or so.. I didn't really "come out" as an atheist until my early 20's.. my wife grew up rather religious, and when I told her I was an atheist she almost had a cow.. we argued about it for a while, over a period of a few weeks here n there really.. but after a while, I think I've nearly converted her.. she'll tell me about times that some of her co-workers or friends (or family) would bring up god and the like and nowadays she'll sort of laugh about it.. she finds it about as ridiculous as I do now.. like she was raised to be against anything the Bible was against.. she didn't believe in equal rights for LGBTQ, she wanted to raise our first born in church pretty much.. but like I said, after a while shes experienced on her own reasons to feel that God and the Bible are simply Aesop's fables, only 2000 years old.. the Bible is clearly man made, it didn't just appear out of thin air.. and the fact that so many still abide by the words of a book written in the stone ages til this day BLOWS my mind.. I don't get it.. it's legit brainwashing is what it is, no offense to those believers on here ??
  14. gotcha.. I should've tried to meet you at ur work last December then haha although for anybody with 5 free mins I think it's worth a listen to Ricky Gervais' points on why he's an atheist...at the end of his interview he makes a great point on why if religion went away, it would never come back the same, as opposed to science..
  15. Maybe I'll create a best "performance" intro thread sometime soon! She has a ton of awesome entrances for one-off performances over the years....especially the MJ tribute!
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