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Everything posted by Dal

  1. I tooooootally forgot about the Essence Festival intro! Thanks for the reminder... I wonder if she was upset about the screen malfunction not lifting up so she could walk to the front of the stage after PP was over.. it seems like she and her team put a lot of thought and effort into the "hologram" projection, just to have it fuck up and the moment be somewhat diluted by having all the stage hands run on stage to sort it out while the show was going full steam ahead.. I had read somewhere around that time that that entire first 10 min segment of the show (PP through FB) was going to be broadcast during the Essence Festival special, but since the technical difficulties occurred, they decided to televise Rhythm Nation instead.. oh well
  2. ur right I was thinking u were Amy for a second lol.. people can believe in anything they want, but unless they know for a certainty ("belief" is not confirmation), then they are agnostic, again, whether they identify themselves as one or not.. Do you believe in Adam & Eve is how humans came to be or the process of evolution? Hi my name is Dal and I agree that everyone is agnostic, whether they agree with that notion or not....nice to meet you (now you know one).. and again, agnostic doesn't mean you don't care one way or the other.... it simply means you don't know one way or the other... and no matter what a person chooses to believe, a belief in something is not proof of something... therefore everyone is agnostic.. hopefully that makes sense.. if not, maybe Ricky Gervais' explanation on the topic will suit you better:
  3. ok cool see now the show I saw they didn't have a sheet up but it sounds like they fixed that as the tour went on.. thanks for sharing
  4. agnostic simply means that you just don't know what there is... and nobody knows, therefore everyone is agnostic whether they care to admit it or not.. and atheist means a lack of belief in anything godly related.. As a Christian, do you accept evolution as fact or theory?
  5. I was raised Christian although even at a young age I questioned everything.. I didn't see how people could praise god for helping/saving their life while willingly being oblivious to starving kids either all the way in Africa or their own neighborhoods.. shit don't add up for me. Believing in an invisible man in the sky is the same as believing in Santa Claus or the Easter bunny or the tooth fairy.. when I really started to realize how evil organized religion is was when I began to see the laws that were in place or being created strictly because some lawmaker believed god wanted it that way or whatever, and the affects it was having on good people all over the country/world..
  6. everyone is agnostic tho ?
  7. The thing with the Janet. Tour intro is that I didn't like how they did the "surprise" moment when she was crouched on the floor and then she had to walk across the stage and buckle up on the Jumbotron lift and then come right back down.. I mean I think it's cool that they surprised everyone that she was on stage in front of them the whole time, but I think it would've been better if she was on the lift ascended in the air the whole time while she did her acapella line.. I remember one video I saw of it, where the concert was outdoors and it was still somewhat light outside, and it was cheesy to me how the entire audience could see her walk from the front of the stage and and climb on top of the lift and buckle herself up and then they saw the lift go up and her standing there and all of that before IF even began.. it wasn't very well thought out I think.. if they would've just started with the lift part it would've made more sense to me, or if they at least had some type of curtain blocking the lift portion of the stage until she was ready to come down..
  8. For me, it's TVR intro.. the book, the visuals, the sound bites, the meaning, the explosion, the silouhuette, the music, the bass.... all of it compounded together beautifully, reaching maximum effectiveness as soon as the rear spotlights shutoff and you see Janet standing on that descending platform and her head tilting upward to reveal her face under the brim of her oversized hat..... incredible artistry.. no other intro comes close imo (although I did like the RWU intro as well, just not the same tho).. and tbh I didn't like the Janet tour intro much at all
  9. TBH I don't think Britney would even accept an invitation to perform at the Super Bowl.. she doesn't seem to have a complete sense of confidence about her the past half decade, which could be why she's chosen to keep her ass in Vegas, and rightfully so.. I don't think she'd be mentally capable of dealing with the grueling pressures of preparing, performing, and the criticisms that would follow such a performance.. I think she knows what her lane is now better than any other point in her career.. ijs
  10. Rhythm Nation Tour: janet. Tour: The Velvet Rope Tour: All For You Tour: Rock Witchu Tour: Up Close & Personal / Number 1s Tour: Unbreakable Tour:
  11. Something for nutrisystem prolly
  12. That moment when she smiles and asks the cops for THEIR identification..!! ?
  13. Alright not gonna lie, after watching that whole video, she put on a helluva show.. good for her
  14. What a lame entrance that was.. I mean she's literally just standing on the side of the stage in plain view of the entire audience basically watching the intro video with them lol.. they should've at least put up a black sheet or something until they wheel her ass out lol
  15. I can understand why it was left on the cutting room floor....maybe I'd feel different if it was perfect quality idk
  16. I agree to an extent. Like, it's literally our job to simply show up and have a good time and then go home and fuck our spouses n shit... but at the same time, if she ain't selling tickets, shows will be cancelled. We've seen it happen before. So while we have no business coming up with solutions on how to fill seats, I don't think it's uncalled for to be at least concerned about the success of the tour, especially if the show you have tickets to isn't one of the first few stops she's doing (*cough* Ohio *cough*).. ?
  17. Last November 8th, 10mil more votes were cast for a candidate that wasn't Trump. Yes he has strong supporters, but it's no more than about 35% of the total population. The Don Jr email chain that just came out is the first "smoking gun" type of evidence that Republicans needed to see to take better notice. No, things won't happen (in regards to impeachment) tomorrow or next week, or possibly even next month. But the official snowball has begun with those emails that just came out. It's only a matter of time. He will be removed, somehow, some way.
  18. interesting analysis there lol.. but for sure she's stupid.. I had read somewhere reputable that her and Trump had somehow agreed before the election that if he had lost then he would give her a divorce and if he won, then she would stay married to him.. I can't imagine that she truly loves him for his character and personality..
  19. Ah yes.. it was an obvious reference to her bro's troubles (at the time).. if he's a pervert, then she is too.. little sister sticking up for her big bro.. love it ??
  20. Did u even see her attempting to push the "birther" conspiracy a few years back..? Or how she said "boys will be boys" about her (at the time) 57YO husband who was caught on camera admitting to sexual assault..? Or how she copy and pasted a (black) woman's speech and presented it as if it were her's and her's only..? she's an idiot too.
  21. good questions.. I'll definitely be watching this with my kids, but I'm not very excited about it just yet.. hopefully a decent trailer/preview will change that for me.
  22. it's pathetic how they can't even face their own country on camera anymore.. it also aggravates the fuuuk outta me that the White House journalists don't just walk tf out of that briefing room.. they need to demands cameras be powered on or the White House won't get their message out..
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