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Everything posted by FreelovesJJ

  1. FreelovesJJ


    yes. Yes it is. It's dual meanings, much like her tour has nothing to do with her family nor her success. Yet she thanks everyone for supporting her whole family & on behalf of her family. She's representing a whole not a singular...in her perspective.
  2. FreelovesJJ


    I think the song is mostly about her like 95% and 5% is a combination of her & her family. Just like "No Sleeep" is not about Joe Jackson yet she dedicated the video to him. I think she is able to discuss what she has been through herself as well as relate what her family goes through all in one song.
  3. FreelovesJJ


    I think AYF is more about her but also she could just relate to MJ. It makes more sense to be her. She also disappeared like MJ & found peace in her "go to place". And I think it really discussed her fall from grace with the Super Bowl, LA Reid, labels and all. I think it was something that related to her family but most her story...which is why BHH comes next. Then Night because despite it all she's still getting all her blessings.
  4. FreelovesJJ


    The song is really detailed for it to be a Janet track who is really private. I love the song because of how honest she is. Certain lines make me think that the divorce from Rene was an equally wrong thing on both of their sides. Something tells me Janet wasn't or didn't feel innocent in the way it played out & he definitely did his part. "How much is enough to pay for this mistake, hope your love was sincere." She is recognizing she fucked up & hopes he loved her enough to let it be and just forgive her. Not write a tell-all book which was being discussed at the time. Not allow anger to bring them to a messy place. So there was some deep stuff that happened between them, & Jimmy always still speaks highly of Rene...so idk there's a lot to that story I'm sure. This also brings me to a point, one of Janet's flaws post Super Bowl was her lack of making honest and raw tracks/projects about the circumstances. Now, I'm sure that was also due to label influences and the desire to get through being blackballed by the industry. But she could have easily done a couple tracks about Justin's lack of loyalty & just how important loyalty was to her. The way the industry has backed up from her, the way she was being used as an escape goat. The way she was being exposed & scandalized. It would have made for a more authentic era. She could have done like she did with AFY. @Dal opinions?
  5. Youre very ignorant. If everyone would be killed they would not be a tourist location. Everywhere has radical killers if you highlight one over the other, you make other killings less significant. You act as if you know for a fact every day they are blowing up clinics. There are more American drones blowing up people and covert operations than there are "radical Christians" blowing up abortion clinics. There are more military operations than there are people going rogue for religious ideals. Every time you turn on the news in America there is a senseless killing in some neighborhood, there are more people in our prisons than any other country. By your logic every day we would be in danger here, yes there are customs for dressing & conduct but everywhere has those customs to whatever degree. Nonetheless my point is everyone in America judges without true knowledge. If you ignorantly highlight the SMALLEST percent of people doing a wrong to argue for a whole group you are creating an -ism. It has nothing to do with the ability to question theology and if it's ok to do so, it's has everything to do with your GENERALIZATION. You can question anything you like, but don't make your opinion anymore factual for the masses as you claim that theology is doing. Yes there are some people there who cannot live as they would truly want to based on customs. That's not every persons opinion & you're truly not sure if it's even the vast majority.
  6. Is that what I said? No. I said Janet does not. And honestly just as much as it's portrayed that all these women feel like "property" sometimes what some call "regressive" others find to be tradition. Some people actually LOVE their beliefs that govern THEIR lives. For Americans to be so hell bent on freedoms as soon as someone chooses to freely decide on something they disagree with, that very freedom becomes catty critique, ignorant judgement, & demonized. It's so interesting to me, let Janet live her fucking life.
  7. Seriously. I think some of you have not come to grips with the fact Janet chose the Islamic life because it resonated with her. That she believes in it and supports the culture. That she aligns with the beliefs, and sees the the greatness beyond American propaganda. It's hard for you all to come to grip with the fact that Janet might be more conservative now in her older age. She's now a new person and she's loving it. Have you ever considered this is the most protected she has felt in her life? Not being hounded and violated by cameras and being treated like a property and like a product for consumption. The ability to be free of the paparazzi, to be free of cameras in your bushes while you're naked. The self worshipping Western culture really struggles with people who choose modesty. Good for Janet returning to humanity & less to vanity. For the first time in her life she might feel more regular than ever which she has wanted. Yes being a billionaire, or relatively so, makes her irregular but the culture where she can walk through malls & be with someone in faith over & be her is a peace of mind she's probably internally never believed possible. Yes, have your child in an environment where they're not hounding to get the first picture.
  8. wtf? What are you talking about. Stop being weird you know nothing about them to generalize.
  9. there's a reason he kept reaching out to Janet in the shadows & trying to apologize. He knows he threw her under the bus, he could have simply said "We were shocked we didn't expect or anticipate this. We spoke & I genuinely feel bad for Janet. It wasn't planned & just as appalling as it is to fans & families to see...imagine the embarrassment of a performance gone wrong & being exposed publically. We are still in touch & I hope to be there for her as we weather this storm, for something that was completely! "Unintentional". We are both very successful & we wouldn't need to do something so drastic. There's no "we" there's a bunch of "I". He could have kept it equally distant from the backlash for both of them. It's bull shit he didn't know. He was all for it until the rest of the world wasn't. He could have said absolutely not & not touched her titty at all.
  10. FreelovesJJ


    There's no question about it, it was about Rene.
  11. I like how that article mentioned that if the male entertainer was black and it was Taylor Swift the blame would have fallen on him. Great point, I bet you if it was Kanye & Britney Spears or Madonna, or Taylor Swift it would have fallen on Kanye. It's ridiculous honestly. This whole thing becomes mute when you think about the fact that Miley Cyrus nipple was showing on MTV & there was nothing to say. You can claim because Super Bowl has more viewership but nonetheless it's an FCC issue.
  12. why do you keep making it be about the fact that Justin is white?! It's because of how he responded to his so called black friend in need. No one is attacking Jane Elliott a white woman fighting racism. Black peoples supported Bernie Sanders a white man fighting racism. Stop making it about Justin being white. They're attack his hypocrisy. He is a white man who conveniently capitalizes on black culture but when shit got hot he played victim and ran to his comfort corner. You keep missing the point. It's kinda weird how u are letting it go over your heard.
  13. Lol it was in an article saying that it was a duet & the higher backgrounds sounded like they could have been her
  14. Oh and for clarity...I don't think Justin is racist. I think Justin is the product of the very privilege Jesse Williams was talking about. "They try us on like costumes..." So if everyone is arguing Justin isn't racist...so be it, you missed the point. He's privileged & doesn't get it, but he knows how to avoid the fire when it's heating up.
  15. I remember having this conversation with you, and I remember we pretty much saw eye to eye on them both knowing....so I didn't think you said that. I ignore Game because his obsessive defensive shtick gets old, and everyone knows Justin didn't go up there not knowing anything. If so, Janet would not have been upset with him for him leaving her out there by herself. They both practiced & they both knew what was up. There were buttons on the outfit with nothing but bare titty underneath...he was VERY well aware. Again, it's so damn funny that it's easy to blame the woman as the man goes on completely innocent despite his equal involvement. He could have said no, he played into and he did it. He loved it & he used to fawn over Janet so this was right up his alley to do until shit hit the fan. Madonna has worn cone tits, simulated sex with a mock Jesus, kissed countless people, & not a damn word...a society & industry that is intrinsically racist does change its colors over night. Stop with the bull shit people, why when race is brought up does it seem like it has to be THE LAST POSSIBLE option...but someone says anything about the LBGT community & the only option is homophobia lol...so fucking hypocritical.
  16. The response of how it happened following showed the division in race. They both did the same thing he went on untouched. She was black balled, I'm tired of trying to explain something to people who just overlook it. You don't understand. I can't help you.
  17. You missed the point, the person called him out for being a hypocrite based on what he did to Janet and his ability to flip flop between a supporter and convenient silence
  18. Am I the only one just hearing this for the first time today?!! I can hear Janet clear as day, but I would like to know if anyone else can & where they hear her (time stamps)
  19. Lmao with all due respect to MLK, you show me one picture of Malcolm X being attacked by dogs, hosed down in the streets, and beat by cops...I'll be team Malcolm all day...violence? Prove it. Show me Malcolm actually going to white establishments or neighborhoods attacking people, better yet show me a picture or video of Malcolm X actually being violent. Self preservation is not violence it's survival. You're an obvious parakeet. You chirp out responses with no relevant knowledge. I'm team Marcus Garvey, Malcolm X, Huey Newton. I believe in self defense. Which is a human right according to the Universal Laws established by the United Nations. Any person who calls that violence has no concept of survival. You be team MLK, the picture painted by America to be docile and subservient...I'll keep my fight prepared to put in work when necessary.
  20. I'm kinda thankful for the movement being a little too aggressive for you, I'm sure most would hate to have to look over and trust you as an ally. You do a good job of showing where you stand & how you arrive at logic wouldn't make you the best component in movements. It's not for the faint of heart. The fact you don't see "raising your voice" not in octave but in awareness as a sensible tactic let's me know, you're blood is a little too thin for the actions.
  21. Oh that's what you and Game got from it? People called him on being a hypocrite not for being white. You have the black version of a fact checker. GTFOH with the watered down & oversimplified understandings. How fucking dare you, the black version of the KKK? When did you see Justin drug out of his house in front of his wife and children and hung. When did you see his wife raped and child thrown to the ground? When did you see him beat beyond recognition and laid at the doorstep of his mother or family? The hell is wrong with people oversimplifying shit and acting like those who call them on it is the harassers? You obviously have no knowledge of the KKK & what a black version would look like, if so Justin wouldn't be alive to tweet anything.
  22. The root of this conversation is the speech of an actual organizer & catalyst in the BLM movement, yet you say there is "no actual movement"? There have also been leaders such as DeRay McKesson, another organizer & catalyst who has met with the President & gone on to actually run for office with endorsements, and they're nothing but loud people on their smartphones? Or the organizers in Atlanta who have created programs in inner cities for the youth, such as Shawn Walton. You are the problem with movements because you're uninformed yet you weigh in blindly.
  23. You like to play the logical condescending role but it really comes off more so aloof. I understand you're a post AFY fan, but Janet also said "You were born with blood of Kings & Queens and can't be stopped. Stand tall my brother you can't be stopped." She also said "You know I will be right here to remind you that we need togetherness because lost pride has no room, when you don't forget where you come from." She also said, "I stand on the shoulders of giants who have opened doors for me that I pray to continue to uphold and represent." She also said, "I am proud to say I have endured and that endurance is my heritage....Especially as a black woman, I am completely convinced that (we) black women possess a unique and indestructible strength to not only get down, but to get up, get through and get over..." She also said, "The skin game is still all around, but you can't keep a good man down." - while naming black activist including Marcus Garvey & Huey Newton. She chin checked Diane Sawyer letting her know "You will never understand because you're on the other side." She also said, "History hidden from me to hide my identity so I will never feel, I am somebody. | African American woman, I stand tall in pride." Not to mention aligning with the NAACP to do a college scholarship foundation for those under privelged black children you claim she ignored. So when you ask where Janet has been, she was vocally living her black experience. Despite a white supremacist society trying to rob the black community of their cultural connection and relevance our culture lives and breathes through their mocking and redistribution. For example, music by Little Richard or Chuck Berry that got rereleased by white artist like Elvis, or the rhythm in our sound that was not alive in white culture until it attached itself to black culture. Fast forward to JT (the influenced) who gets to be inspired until it's time to be empowered or an ally. He allows his label to align him with black artist for a more urban appeal such as TI & Timbaland & Janet & rocks his "urban chic" but you call it him being himself? Ok, show me him being that in his alone time as a child before the music influence. After the heat of black America's public issues. Where is his voice during those times? He doesn't have to make a song but he can damn sure make a statement WHEN HE WAS MOST NEEDED. After the fact apologies, always fall by the wayside. He can be inspired enough to make the statements as regularly as he makes the songs that sound so oddly influenced...because of his inspirations. Don't need a song just need an inconvenient ally. Get loud when everyone is silent because you "genuinely" care so much.
  24. Funny how black historical, statistical, & definable oppression gets the eye roll & need for defense every time it's widely discussed but let someone make any side comment about a homosexual or the like there of & they're a bigot. Yet MANY in the homosexual community, not all, will conveniently use the black historical plight as a parallel reference point to gain a sympathy as if to claim shared relevance. Funny how we can be sitting on the forum of a black woman who has openly discussed artistically and directly the experiences of her own racial injustice..yet & STILL it is the nature of some to defend JT's right to perpetuate the very problem she said to have faced. Lastly, in this society it's fair to have some one walking around making money off "appealing to the urban market" yet not directly align themselves with the issues of that market they are "entertaining". Someone asked about MJ & Janet making other music beyond "black cultured music" and that being fine - well - MJ & Janet has also stood along side multiple plights of those cultures through charity work & raising awareness to diverse struggles. From women's rights to HIV to education to war to Islamic torture of girls and children and the list goes on..where was Justin when Black Lives Matter was marching in the streets? Oh, at home "inspired".
  25. hmmmmm it does make so much sense. Ok he's still trying to prove himself. Got it.
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