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Everything posted by FreelovesJJ

  1. I won't say she doesn't care about her career, but I think her interest in it is just different from what it used to be. She's a lot more mature now and the need/desire for big numbers is behind her. Although I do feel she could boost her visibility with visuals but because she's kinda let her visuals go they don't get as much love & viewership. All the extra shit about no need for it or promo is bs. If she's a visual artist then that should be continued, especially to spread her message & deeper lyrics at this point. Idc who is tired of hearing it or if it will never change, she needs someone else in Gil's place. I understand age & maturing but there's someone that can get her a happy medium & still be on the same page. I think Janet cares about her career but I don't think she makes it her top priority. I think she uses it at this point to do more meaningful things but when it comes to the music, I'd like to see her revive her visuals. I wonder how it will all play out though, I'm ALWAYS down for new music but I hope she would maximize it.
  2. She's beautiful and I love that she did an official picture. That's really dope!! I love seeing her, she's always missed.
  3. I agree that most parents wouldn't want newborns on the road, but as far as the husband he has been on the road with her in the past. I think he is influential in her decision making as every husband & wife should be. It's a union for a reason. Nonetheless, Janet does not have the best record in touring within her later years in the eyes of the general public. In my opinion, it would be a much better move for her to create compelling visuals & content then jump right into touring. Make ppl want you again, not just your solid fanbase but the world at large. It would work more in her favor to have more content than just touring. It would also allow her to be home with the child. And i I don't mean some black & white sound stage video. I mean what she is known for. Put that money toward visuals. Rebuild your brand/message. Control the narrative by creating your own dialogue & engagement. So much has fallen short from Unbreakable confessions to the music app for the show - I would rehire for my creative team, & rework her image to the new maturity she's obviously living in. Lastly, this only works if it's new material. If not it's another Greatest Hits tour. It can't be a 2 year old Unbreakable tour.
  4. This is so dope! I've wanted to see her pregnant so much. She looks so good!!
  5. I actually always wished Janet did more runs and adlibs in later years...she did on a few songs on Unbreakable but when she used to back in the day they would be some of my favorite parts like ATAP, FHTF and What Can I Say. Always wish she would show a little more.
  6. I really hope all is well with her, she might be being closely monitored toward the end of the pregnancy but that doesn't mean she's struggling. It's just today's society has little faith in older women having children - despite many families (especially ethnic) having children in later years for centuries. From my great-grandmother & aunts to many Indians, Africans, & Mexicans I know. I'm sure she'll be fine. I'm excited for her honestly, but someone on here mentioned her doing a photo shoot. That's still a mystery to me...
  7. Once again you find a way in to make assumptions & addresses that you don't know solidly, just to attack something that has little to do with you. I never stated what my "religious" beliefs were or what my belief system is at all. What I have been saying from the beginning is that people discredit actions like prayers, experiences like miracles, inexplainable phenomenon, & countless other things due to a need to discredit people's faith & be "logical". Logic is an after result of something already happened. As I've referred to countlessly intuition, thoughts, dreams, serendipity, premonitions all have existence in this world to discredit them in an effort to usually attack a specific belief or persons belief is closed minded to me. I love talking to atheist because by the end of the conversation they always tend to reveal themselves as Christian denouncers & loathers. I never have to use the word Jesus, I never have to refer to Christianity & LITERALLY every time they make reference it goes to Christianity. Not Hinduism, not Judaism, not Sheik, not Bhuddism, not Pantheism, not Catholicism - directly to Christianity. Whether right or wrong, the actions, direction, assumptions, & responses of these arguments speak to a more direct disdain than an understanding of a larger picture of what someone might believe. So instead of automatically coming at it with a "great imagination" perspective it's more intelligent to see what they believe. In my opinion there is undoubtedly a higher source of life because the Universe is alive, which allows the Earth to be alive, which allows everything else to be alive. So something created & maintains life - however indescribable it may be - in order for life to be sustained.
  8. It's practiced ideology based on series of interpreted events, and then a person comes along and disproves said events as facts because they show an exception to the rule. If you can see that for religion you have to be able to see that for science & be equally as doubtful if that is the case. Research applying to a masses at any rate, is always able to be seen as skewed. Whether a person believes or does not believe I find it interesting that people so definitively say it is NOT true & discredits people's actual experiences & occurances. There is definitely a such thing as groupthink whether for science, political, government, religion, corporations whatever the group is...but a person that can tell stories that does not benefit them to lie about expressing phenomenon that is unexplainable & tells of the majestic nature of a living world & universe is not easily written off to me with a "do you have proof"? None of us have proof for every experience whether in the boundaries of "normally acceptable" or not, so it's odd that when something happens beyond our conceivable nature we feel it must be fake. Yet our nature in itself is limited by its design.
  9. Did you know there are certain "cancers" that doctors will treat even if they don't have solid proof it exist? For example, it can look like cancer but when you biopsy it - it returns not cancerous, but because it so strongly LOOKS like cancer & because it fits the "standard" of similar cancers they will treat it as cancer despite having physical conclusive results saying its cancer. Not considering that the individual could have something completely opposite of anything they've ever encountered, then medical mystery happens & there's no way to explain their opinions or studying. This is not a scenario drawn up from nowhere this is my direct & very recent experience. I use this example to say this, even with the most advanced science humans are doing their CONCEIVABLE best to explain what is put in front of them. The thing about it is, it is put in front of them so they in REACTION work backwards to explain what has already been done. Then they draw & act off their best conclusion. Proof does not always determine the intricacy of how or where? IMO, needing proof to believe is like limited power. It robs you & the world of being able to show you something unbelievable. Of the billions of people on the earth every experience & interaction cannot be proven, or fit under a definitive mold of a groups explanation. Some things can and some things can't. Lastly, when it comes to measurement...humans cannot measure infinite - which means in all logic their measurement is limited. There will always be an "X" variable the "hidden" number - or like in scientific equations, the presumed figure. All of which - is blank space for faith.
  10. Ok so you do understand there is much that can't be understood or fully explained. I'm not talking coincidence. I think it's disheartening to call something a coincidence when it is so specifically in line, or when you have dreamed...envisioned, felt it in your intuition. That discredits your ability to be metaphysically connected. Nonetheless, you saying you understand somethings can't be explained is enough.
  11. proof is fine nothing wrong with that but I also understand the world is so intricate, needing proof can be limited to experience. Like I said, intuition needs no immediate proof...it just is. People who have dreams that come true, or envision something that later happens. Those kinda things are far beyond proof they're experiences. Deja Vu. Like I keep saying, proof is found after a question which still means whatever the question is came after the establishment of the "thing" you ask because you notice, you notice because it was already established. I'm more so wondering where did the ORIGINAL establishment come from. Something is greater than we all can conceive. To me it's human arrogance to believe you can prove & explain it all. When you're just a minor piece in the entire equation itself. You exist because of "it". "It" does not exist because of you. No man on a throne just creation as a whole.
  12. My thing is if proof is what makes it solid for you, what makes you seek proof? Proof tends to come after faith or belief. Including so called scientific proof it's a belief that makes them pursue the proof. Also, all these explanations...in my opinion are only the after effect of a process. What created atoms? What makes the universe work the way it does? To me with all the infinite possibilities of things...so much could be in so many different ways, there has to be more to the story. God is an ambiguous word. So most ppl argue the word without understanding the concept. Most ppl are just hung up on the word, & so they discredit it & don't try to pursue anything deeper. Also, to me it's not the arrogance of believing that makes purpose real...it's the humility of knowing I could have been anywhere in the world but I happen to meet this person & experience this particular thing, & get this answer I have been wondering. All these dots connect in such an intricate world & way. Scientist "prove" something then find out their wrong, but yet ppl still believe in them. Science has also proclaimed to prove things based on their pursuit of a certain type of society. They are also theoretical ppl. It just brings me back to intuition, or people who experience dreams that come true...all of that is much deeper than an easy scientific explanation.
  13. No disrespect, so you don't believe in microwaves, wifi, brain waves, intuition, thoughts? Those are all things you cannot see...I've always heard ppl say they believe in what they can see but you can cut open a brain and never see a thought. You can't see wifi but it works. So many things can't be seen or "proven" but they exist. Also, most of what we call reality is a quilt of other people's made up, once invisible thoughts. From you clothes to your house to your job to your car. None of those things existed at one point in time. We live in a big quilt of ideas. So technically what we believe does influence reality or we wouldn't have inventions. Definitely not trying to sway anything but I always find that interesting.
  14. My entire response was not about whether a person believes or not. Prayer also does not imply religion it implies an action or practice. A small mind can connect it to one religion or another but it's not a conclusive thing being that so MANY cultures & beliefs practice it in different ways for different things. Nonetheless, the point is - a person will say something with positive intent & then another person who is ecstatic about negative intent just to see a response, attacks them. That person is a human parasite & we all know it. My point remains. I'm not going to argue with anyone about their beliefs because my belief is that what I know & my life experiences don't need defense they're living proof of themselves. Other people can live their life & claim to have answers but they can never touch the life I have experienced for me. We're individuals living in a very majestic world, be as open or close minded as you wish it's your perspective to live in.
  15. Without getting too far into it, if people believe speaking positively about something changes the situation & positive affirmations work - and science has show giving positive energy to things like plants & organisms increase their healthy growth.... then how is prayer far fetched?
  16. A few ROTFL - html gifs does not make your cynicism or bigotry "funny" or acceptable. You are to "faith/belief" systems & people, what homophobes are to homosexuals. "You can believe what you want to believe or fuck how you want to fuck, but don't pretend your sexuality is normal. It's not (sorry)" see how just the replacement of a few words shows how disrespectful your response is? Christianity is not the only faith that believes in prayer or the like there of. Did someone of a Christian faith hurt you or do something to you? You attacked the one faith that wasn't mentioned of the many that could be believe in. Congratulations on your decade to many of us who have been fans for 20+ years. You're a social parasite who uses the Internet & hides behind "stanship" to make your obsessive broken catty confused little boy personality flaw a "normalcy". In these forums, your corny & shitty humanity is barely judged. You get off saying how much you praise & worship this celebrity to the point of being ecstatic about their peace being broken. In hopes to get a response out of them as if they're humans in a cage to be poked at. You police other people's thoughts & categorize them as if your wellbeing depends on it. You antagonize conversations & attack people's GENUINE POSITIVE intent. You derail conversations with your "ew" & condescending responses - then call them negative. You are probably the person who is the laughing stock, because you're messy & think you have friends because you're "funny tell it how it is" personality when really you're disillusioned and a sad Internet case of "someone, please value my thoughts". You're literally a disgusting person in this forum. You should seek a psych evaluation for whatever unresolved situation has consciously or subconsciously turned you into this cancer against positivity & joy. This is my last response to you because I see through you, and instead of feeding your rotting existence I'll let you breath somewhere else.
  17. Oh yea, if she had recently done a photoshoot I wonder if it's for personal or private viewing. Although I believe it's possible, I don't get too hype about it because it's very possible she did one but it never comes out. There was the Unbreakable confessions that didn't really grow & I remember thinking that could be a cool idea. Also, it's VERY interesting to me that she would be doing a photoshoot & we have no clue what she will be "promoting" or doing in the coming future. Especially if she's still avoiding press...I wonder who the photoshoot will be for.
  18. The Game will say "ew" to someone praying, & sending well wishes & positive spirits. Yet, be "ecstatic" that the media is negatively mentioning her - IN HOPES she decides to come out & dispell the rumor? So in other words, he is thankful that negative vibes might disturb her peace enough to cause a reaction at a time she is looking for love, mental & spiritual nourishment. So he "ew" positive prayers & celebrates negative "preyers". One day soon, you all will see what I mean by his mental instability. The most twisted thinking. Period. He "supports" an artist who believes in prayer, she has even asked for prayers in the past, then turns around & shuns the fans who stand in solidarity with her...but is THANKFUL - think about this now - thankful the media is mentioning her potentially being sick. Lol sounds very fiendish.
  19. I rather them not mention her at all than to be mentioning her negatively.
  20. I'll say this one more time, it has nothing to do with praising everything or criticizing things. It's about attacking people because they do not agree with your cultish approach. It's the derailing. It's the name calling, it's the social awkwardness, it's the disrespect. There is an obvious difference between debate & attack. I called out the fan that specifically finds everyone who doesn't feel like them or has an alternative perspective & attacks them. They bring negative because they don't like how others feel...I have seen them disagree & not like songs or call something out they didn't like & they were not attacked. If others do, they have something to say. The defense of this mentally disturbing behavior is not covered under being "a good fan". I don't care if you're on a forum or in public. It falls under acting like a shitty human. My point has been made & if there is still a lack of understanding of the core point...I can't help. I've said what I notice.
  21. At the end of the day, it's obviously something going on when people feel the need to censor a fan because they don't agree or praise the artist. Do you think everyone in Janet's personal camp agrees with her? Do you think Janet has had consistent disagreements with ppl she keeps around for the sake of growth & development? Being a fan does not mean you agree with everything. You started your previous statement with "she's worthy of having crazy fans" that in & of itself is the issue. Fans should not be crazy, they can be emotional, they can be moved, they can be passionate, but cultish & forceful? They should not. MANY artist learn to avoid those type of people. There's a massive difference between appreciation & fandom. The constant attacking, name calling, & everything else I named in my original post comes off like Janet is being fetishized over her very human talent. It does not make anyone more of a fan because they hype EVERY thing the artist does. I am aware of Janet's fan age demographic, that has nothing to do with the ability to be mature. There is no excuse for the behavior. Like I said, Janet has people in place who do disagree with her & it's healthy...her fans disagreeing could be healthy if some fans did not go out of their way to antagonize them.
  22. Those fans are equally mentally unstable. They are not an example of "normal" or why it's ok to be this way. So using those examples are not justifications they are actually examples that further the concern that this is adequate behavior. No celebrity is "worthy of having crazy" fans. Let's not condone it. Celebrities are humans, and damn near every one of them wishes their fans were more cognizant of their humanity than their brand & image. No one wants a bunch of mentally unstable psychos following them, & making them uncomfortable & their fans uncomfortable. Janet fans should be a little more mature in their thinking as she is a more mature & respectable artist...so yea, no excuse for the weirdness.
  23. Game is the weirdest person I have seen on a consistent basis on the Internet. It's concerning for his life, & Janet's wellbeing too if he were ever able to get close to her. His cultism worship of her, misconstrued reality about what it means to be a fan, his overzealous need to control the narrative, his irrational sensitivity about disagreeing perspectives, his intentional derailing of points and topics, his socially awkward interactions, his obsessive need to express love by denouncing all that don't worship Janet or have opposing opinion, his 13year old name calling tactics because he's offended - it's all clinically bizarre. Janet is not above an opposing opinion. She said so herself. So much so, you're "die-hard" fandom comes off obsessive like a "yes-man". Janet doesn't pick a picture because she thinks it's not worthy - a fan agrees with her judgement & thinks the picture is over edited trash - you call them names & attack them, despite Janet also thinking the picture wasn't worth it. Youre legit becoming a threat to more than ppls peace, you're seeming like you might be mentally unstable.
  24. You're a mirror reflection of negative. This is the exact example that I mean. You attacking them is negative.
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