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Everything posted by FreelovesJJ

  1. I think Janet has always been a professional and Tyler Perry said the same thing for filming the movies. Nonetheless when it comes to concerts they overbook her or she can't fulfill the agreement whatever the case is. This also happened on the RWU tour which I'm sure it comes down to sales in SOME cases & they use other excuses to cover that. Even if there's other things going on it happened enough to have fans or concert goers apprehensive about buying a ticket.
  2. It's not about complaining it's about discussion. You would be the "yes man" that Janet hates around her. You would be the obsessive weirdo who has nothing to say. Some promo is better than none, and regardless of it being a number one it still had potential. I'm sure for whatever her reasoning is she is fine. Honestly she didn't have to do anything but she did. She didn't have to show up to her concerts but SOMETIMES she didn't. Celebrities use excuses to protect their brand. She is no different. Janet did not have to promote. She did not have to do anything but being that she did having an opinion that is "keeping a conversation going" is not lesser than your praises. If everyone praised every action she made, with the rate of little bit she's doing there would be no need for this board. You come daily to refute every person who doesn't sound like they're worshipping her.
  3. Shut up! Her family didn't have shit to do with EVERY cancellation she made. You're fucking obsessed. She "lived through her mistakes" she's living through this one. She's human. She has bad scheduling professionalim.
  4. IHR is not the only thing Janet "postponed" or cancelled prebaby....so just stop. You guys seem to be following a diff celebrity
  5. No it does not mean my opinion is more than her word it means I'm trusting her actions more than her words. Stop quoting things that had nothing to do with what I said because they are not my words and they were not my quotes or opinion. If she tours in 2017 then she will disprove the logical and very warranted doubt. Also, no one can say what the promo will or won't do. It all comes down to the fact that most feel some was better than none. You all are unnecessarily defensive some times. It seems cultish.
  6. Janet is not doing iHeart & I highly doubt she's going back on tour after this baby is born. If she does anything it will be a while before we see her again. It probably will be to new music, especially since Jimmy is already talking about new music. Unbreakable is a done deal that wasn't capitalized on. Great album but reviving it a year and a half later seems very unlikely unless it's just a "Janet is back" tour with some Unbreakable songs. Also, promo is promo it has a purpose it's not for nothing. Acting as if it serves no purpose to defend Janet's lack of scheduling professionalism just makes you seem corny & dillusional because you don't want anyone to point out a flaw in Janet's business acumen. She has them. She is human, and she's made business mistakes. No matter how good or bad you think it can work in her favor.
  7. No it's not about the "so and so" I just find people want to focus on religion more than they do the religion or Patriotism. People fight and die for the agenda or (ideology) of a country and people call that noble. It's celebrated and memorialized. That same country can commit acts of terror on people, children, & animals lol and people are less inclined to stand on their soap box as they are in these circumstances when it comes to religion. In the United States a white college adult can rape a woman get only 6 months & slap on the wrist, and be COMPLETELY in alignment with the laws. While a black man, can be wrongfully accused and get years! Not so much as compensation for the wrongful sentence...a politician can poison children & KEEP his job. So...like I said, when we dissect religions let's also dissect the religion of Patriotism for Western ideology. The imposing & decomposing religion of White Supremacy. If you're pointing fingers and quoting less than 2% of an ideology make sure you rent more hands and tongues to discuss the other ills that not only equal, but often out weigh.
  8. Do you hate the country that uses text to justify murder against innocent children in countries? Do you hate white males in business suits that poison children? Are you that vocal about American history?
  9. Everyone blaming the religions for these acts needs to blame white males for terrorism & damn near all heinous crimes committed through out history. Don't be biased about how you decide to place blame.
  10. At the current time, the Bilderberg Group is meeting right now. We can both stop...but not because I care about offending anyone but because it's a conversation that most couldn't keep going. "Enlightened minds & open hearts together make this world a better place."
  11. I wouldn't blame religion for radicalism. No more than I would blame sex for promiscuity.
  12. I'm the crazy person who always refers to the major points of American history. I find it very interesting that all of a sudden mass shootings are a problem when having guns has been the norm since the conception of America. These instances feels like a deeper something....orchestrated by higher powers.
  13. As far as 9/11 - read up on Operation Northwoods during the JFK administration proposed by the CIA & this is now public documents. Operation Northwoods - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia https://goo.gl/ad6zd1 U.S. Military Wanted to Provoke War With Cuba - ABC News http://goo.gl/fVOnU False flags are a military tactic.
  14. Like I said, Islam is being blame for something that not even 2% of its believers are doing. I posted links for people to read. More white males have committed acts of terrorism on Americans than any Islamic group & no one called them radical white terrorist males & waged war against ALL of white males for the acts of them. It's propaganda. The religion is not doing ANYTHING. America accepts the Pope but there's been countless accounts of child abuse in Catholism why no war against Catholism? Politicians poisoned a whole group of people in Flint ANOTHER ACT OF TERROR BY A WHITE MAN! Why no war against white men? It's all bull shit and people are eating it up. Pay attention to how conveniently all Islamic things can be terrorism but no one outside of Islam are terrorist no matter how many acts of terror they commit.
  15. I dare because I have the freedom of speech and free thought. I dare because historically this is exactly what has happened to the Jews. The media made them seem like less than human individuals & then they killed them in the holocaust. Sorry, let the truth be told 95% of mass shootings in America & terroristic acts are done by White Males...its just the facts people. Sandy Hook, Aurora (Movie Theater), Charleston Church shooting, Oklahoma City Bombing...etc. So why is it not consider White Male extremist threatening American society with a war against white males being that they are the predominant perpetuators of mass shootings? Because the American & corporate media has made terrorism synonymous with the world Islam. So it's easy to call someone an Islamic extremist & terrorist but hard to call a white man a terrorist & extremist who killed people living free. Americans kill innocent Syrians. Is it insensitive that they are being terrorist in Syria for the push of capitalism? Islam is being used as the guise of terror, while America looks like a western beacon of hope ignoring their own dirty involvements. Reference material - • Mass shootings in the U.S.: shooters by race 2015 | Statistic http://goo.gl/FupDtM Who commits mass shootings? - CNN.com http://goo.gl/Lau1ik Of the 17,891 Deaths from Terrorism Last Year, 19 Were American ... http://goo.gl/mGE9Td We're acting like ISIS is killing Americans by an alarming rate, every death matters, but more people have been killed by white domestic terrorist in ONE ACT of terrorism BUT no one is making it a war against White Males...ijs and not to compare or remove sympathy...because this is tragic beyond conceivable measure, but there were race riots with higher death tolls...such as the attack on Black Wall Street in Tulsa Oklahoma. Unless that's not being counted as American history on American soil.
  16. America is propagating religion as bad & "free" (capitalism) expression as superior. Islamics are under attack & being ramped up to be hated like the Jews were shortly before the holocaust & black's were throughout history. Janet is a Muslim, this can sit on a double edged sword.
  17. So I didn't even correlate Janet's video to a lack of concern to be honest. I know that sounds unfortunate but at the same time that could have just been in the chamber to be released. It could have also been done by the obligations or timeline of Emirates Women & what they have planned. Unfortunately this is a national tragedy but it doesn't effect the global world. So it doesn't slow down regular news & lives in other countries...I also highly doubt it's even being discussed in most countries especially Dubai or UAE. Furthermore, with this being pinned on Islam & Janet being engulfed in Islam...it's kinda like, she might be privy to a larger agenda than most common Americans believe or want to see. I get whatever the feelings maybe about her being insensitive but it could just be that she's detached.
  18. Actually I don't know who the "we" are that you're referring to. I never called Rene or Jermaine anything. My position has always been, Janet made decisions based on her life that benefited her. Which means every man she ended up with good, good, bad or indifferent was her life. That's her position. I DID defend Janet going to the strip club, and many of the other personal decisions she made. You pick and choose which part of a culture you accept & LIKE I SAID, you take the accounts of some & pose it as gospel for all & act like its a solid truth. You are no different from the religion you argue against. Some believe in their culture, beliefs, and right to live as such. For you to call them anything beyond freethinking to CHOOSE their perspective is hypocritical. I don't give a damn who you have agree with you. That Muslim woman is not representative of EVERY Muslim woman or Janet herself.
  19. You keep talking about symbolism, all while being condescending toward others beliefs and culture calling them "drapes", completely ignoring that it's your interpretation of that symbolism. You are the very problem you're fighting against. If it's about choosing, then respect her choice. She made one, & I'm sure she loves what it SYMBOLIZES for her. Youre acting like she needs to adopt your perspective of freedom for her to truly be free. Youre really being a hypocrite. It's so funny how people force their perspectives about opposing religion all to demonize the forcing of religious beliefs. Youre disrespectful and don't even realize it because you feel justified in tearing down what you think isn't worthy of standing instead of understanding it's position.
  20. I'm glad Joe shut that shit down, automatic, and I guarantee it fall in line....lol. His response was more than enough. Also, what MJ was doing was nothing bizarre they're being extra. We would do stuff like that to my family and cousins. Nothing sexual about it.
  21. Let's not act like Janet is above dating people who fuck with drugs lol. It's Janet's vibe, or at least used to be.
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