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Everything posted by EphraimAdamz

  1. RN, State of the World, Control, and hopefully What About. Add Scream back to the set. IF for that added touch of sexual female empowerment. And definitely grab the dancers crotch
  2. What would she need to address considering the music she performs already does that and sends those messages anyways
  3. well when you sign janet jackson to something everyone else gets on board lol
  4. Yeah, but lets be realistic here. Wissam is from Qatar which is basically right next door. You think Janet is that misinformed about Saudi Arabia? At the end of the day that is the heritage of her own son. She has every right to want to perform there, make change, and educate her child.
  5. Not even him being a man just in general. "Michael performs heal the world in Saudi Arabia, breaks social barriers". I can already see the headlines so why can't Janet get the same respect.
  6. Naw I see this as a chance for her to go educate. A real humanitarian would go and try to make change. I'm sure she feels her music can make a difference there. Ya'll got it backwards. If it was Michael Jackson people would be praising him.
  7. Hasn't she always? Ya'll acting like Janet hasn't been preaching equality since RN Get a grip. If anything she's the PERFECT artist to go there and break boundaries. I'm all for her bringing a State of the World style performance there.
  8. I thought I read something it's because most of these characters are actually from fairytale books in the late 1800s
  9. It's either they just want sex and that's it, or they fall in love with you over night there's like no in-between. Like quit extremes.
  10. Not blood related, but through marriage. http://www.mtv.com/news/1618518/lmfao-remember-their-in-law-michael-jackson/
  11. They just want big dick and to play games so I'm over it I'm tired of sex 7 days a week. I'm taking a 6 month break to rejuvenate
  12. They don't have a choice. They waited too long so unless they make something thier copyrights expire. That's why we're seeing a rush of films back to back
  13. And y'all call me corny for watching Scream
  14. You do know it was professionally recorded right? Lol u don't have to watch shitty phone recordings. It was broadcast
  15. More like towers over Cardi B or looks down upon lessors lol
  16. Together Again, All For You, Scream, Love Will Never Do, Nasty
  17. the whole show is online. watch it and decide for yourself. no need for being a follower
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