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Everything posted by SloLove

  1. i loved Human actually...wish there were more ballads...but i'd give it a B
  2. one of my fav brandy videos...lol
  3. i agree...Brandy has such a unique voice...better than any of the new artist out today...the only thing she needs to work on is stage presence she needs to be more confident in that area...
  4. I really love her voice and the way she delivers a song...One of my favorite vocalist. some of my favorite Brandy songs
  5. i couldnt stand toni ugly ass...dont know how she was a dallas cheerleader
  6. no they didnt...the last episode was that joan's man was supposed to come home from the war but she got a call that he got injuried
  7. yeah but the way they were cancelled...they could have at least givin' them one more season with a proper series finale
  8. I wonder why they fought so hard to bring "The Game" back and not "Girlfriends"...and "The Game" was a spin off of "Girlfriends"
  9. cursing like a sailor...then pops wanna know where he gets it from...lol
  10. fa ra ra ra ra....ra ra ra ra ...lol
  11. YES!!!....every Christmas my tv stay on TBS for the 24 hour run of A Christmas Story....it never gets old, Ralphie is the reason I wanted a bee bee gun growing up....lol
  12. can we make love like it is our last time baby lets not get too soft and gentle with it cause am not feeling in no mood to play around
  13. merry xmas to you and yours bro
  14. I know you know what exactly on my mind I cant help myself part of how i feel tonight i wont make excuses i just want you inside baby we dont need to talk about no promises....
  15. AI WDIGM2 Essence Festival (my first time seeing janet live) FCG All the great interviews the short cut Nothing
  16. WoW you people really need a life...yall doing way too much
  17. she'll be in miami come march for jazz in the gardens
  18. like i said before...it will not change because very few if any will take advantage of this...thy will continue to live their secret life even though they dont have to
  19. true...but what i meant by it wont change anything is that...gays still wont be openly gay while serving in the military, even though they cant be pentalized for it...the majority of gays that are in the military are not the flamboyant i wear the rainbow patch on my sleeve type of gay...not saying that they are neccessarialy on the DL, but they are the my business is my business type of gay.
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