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Everything posted by Aquaria

  1. Aquaria

    TMI Thread!

    Honestly that is a huge gap. I think the younger person would benefit, but I can’t see what a 20 year old would have to offer a 29 year old other than a warm hole or pole.
  2. Aquaria

    TMI Thread!

    Wait, what? Wait...... what?
  3. How’s she gonna nurture other artists when she can’t nurture her own career?
  4. Aquaria

    TMI Thread!

    Reveal something that is TMI! Get it off your chest! No judgment zone! (Unless you deserve it) I’ll start it off: I photoshop heads of guys I know in real life I have crushes on onto nudies so I can jack off to them. Now you!
  5. They did and don’t you dare try to fact check me.
  6. Well he asked if it was inevitable, not happening now. Yes, I do think it is inevitable, even just a short run of shows.
  7. I honestly feel for her. Being asked to do it, as a huge fan and someone who grew up with that music, it's an honor. Why should she have to say to herself, well I can't pay tribute to this because I'm not black. Motown influenced all types of people and all types of genres. Could the producers have picked someone more appropriate? Yes. And that's on them. I don't think JLO should be getting this much hate for this.
  8. Thank god she was lip syncing cus she sounded great.
  9. Just say you’re Number Ones at that point.
  10. That was a low blow huh? Madonna’s from Michigan.
  11. Look at it this way: If your DNA ends up in my belly we won’t have to worry about children.
  12. Sorry I can’t relate I live in New York City.
  13. Yeah he sounds like a bad parent.
  14. Angela Simmons baby is what I want to create: I am obsessed with that little boy.
  15. I’d you’re still pumpin spunk, you’re not too old. We don’t have the same biological clocks as females.
  16. Family doesn’t need to be blood. Would you use a surrogate?
  17. I like the idea of having a mini me and raising him the way I wish I was raised. But realistically I don’t really want children or think I will have them. Also they are expensive af. I think I’ll be happy being the creative artsy uncle.
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