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Everything posted by Aquaria

  1. You hot slut. Wishing you a great day and lots of luck and happiness in your new year.
  2. It's spelled both ways I just didn't want to make you look more off. And it's amok, no c.
  3. It’s “run amuck” not “runamucked”
  4. I thought it was cute... and was wondering how the HELL they did that hologram stuff. Well... none of that was there in the live performance. It was added in for the broadcast, meaning, those holograms were not actually there. I feel cheated, lied to, bamboozled.
  5. Well dayum. I did not expect us to get that definitive of an ending. So I guess Arya is Azor Ahai? “We’re going to rip her out, root and stem.” Oh shettttt.
  6. I thought Taylor had retired for good. I always hate when she releases music. She is garbage.
  7. Some of the cgi looks shaky but most of it towards the end..... My guess is the special effects are still not done and will all look consistent when the movie comes out. This has to be the best CGI person ever created on film right?
  8. This was also my first personal Janet album. I used to play the shit out of it on my discman. I don’t think I really grasped how major that era was back then. I have many fond memories of appreciating that music and letting it stoke my imagination.
  9. They do need to resolve a lot of stuff before it all ends, so this was expected. The whitewalkers actually arrived before I thought.
  10. “He wants to erase this world and I am its memory.” That was pretty much the only thing useful we got. Other than that Dany now knows about Jon.
  11. Wow!! I think this was a brilliant movie... so fucking eerie and unpredictable with a killer twist. You spend the entire time unnerved by all the peculiar things that are happening, nothing is really handed to you in terms of info, you are given facts out of context that eventually pay off. It's awesome and I highly recommend it if you are a fan of slow-burning horror.
  12. She will be performing at the Billboard awards. Hopefully she doesn't wear any capes.
  13. Can we not even hint at spoilers please.
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