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Kelly Rowland "Dirty Laundry" in full - sings about being in Beys shadow, abuse and more


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Joe.. I don't think Bu did that on purpose... Calm your nerves.. It's not that serious

Game please. Within the first few seconds of hearing the first notes you can tell there's clearly something not right about it plus there are tons of links to the original song on the side page of youtube where he got it from. I ain't mad but he definitely knew this wasn't the real song...I don't see how he wouldn't.
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Lmao you so mad

I was at work. I heard the song on my phone using a sound cloud link but this board doesn't allow you to embed sound cloud and we all know how lazy folks on here are and don't bother clicking links so I searched on YouTube on my no sound having work pc and posted it thinking its about the same length so it's the song. Jeez calm down.

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Game please. Within the first few seconds of hearing the first notes you can tell there's clearly something not right about it plus there are tons of links to the original song on the side page of youtube where he got it from. I ain't mad but he definitely knew this wasn't the real song...I don't see how he wouldn't.

Calm ya nerves Blanche.. It wasn't that serious

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Lmao you so mad

I was at work. I heard the song on my phone using a sound cloud link but this board doesn't allow you to embed sound cloud and we all know how lazy folks on here are and don't bother clicking links so I searched on YouTube on my no sound having work pc and posted it thinking its about the same length so it's the song. Jeez calm down.

ok lol

You betta get yo stan on JoeJoe, I aint mad atcha. :w00t:

lol I don't care if people don't like Kelly but when I feel like someone blatantly goes out of their way to so something like this then it does kinda get under my skin but he said he didn't have sound so I get it now lol
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