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Mya giving you hands and floor performance!


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I've given a lot of your videos compliments without shade, but you kept saying they were backhanded compliments, so I'm going to keep being shady towards them :filenails:


I can only recall you giving one or two of my videos compliments without shade or a "It could've been better" ...so it being shady. It's not like it's going to be a big change for you. :coffee:


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Proof that Mya DEFINITELY deserves to be near the top of the game right now. Her vocals were great despite all of the dancing which was top notch in HEELS, Aaaaand this is probably the hottest that I've ever seen her look, I wasn't 100% sold on her looks all of the time -- she was hit or miss for me. But whoa, baby looked damn good here :blush: Here's to a Mya resurgence, regardless of the general consensus of the board thinks :excited:

She looked bomb in this video to me except when she was coming up out the water. Her not look so good when she's wet

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