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ROBOCOP - It's a hot mess (TRAILER NOW UP)


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Sony Pictures has set release dates for two major upcoming films. The Jose Padilha-directed reboot of RoboCop will arrive on August 9, 2013 while the animated sequel, Cloudy 2: Revenge of the Leftovers follows on December 20th of the same year.

The current plan puts RoboCop out just a week after the studio's Smurfs 2 and Cloudy 2: Revenge of the Leftovers one week after Warner Bros.' The Hobbit: There and Back Again.

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Allow me to fix that for you: "And Hollywood's next remake is.."

You're welcome.


I'm not here for spell check and OCD people.

Plus you don't start sentences with the word "And".

You carried your own self :lmao:


Robocop, I've never heard of Cloudy >_<:lol:

I think the majority of Earth hasn't and it must've been a flop lol

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  • 2 months later...


There hasn’t really been any progress or report on the Highlander reboot, since Juan Carlos Fresnadillo (28 Weeks Later) signed up to direct the project – shortly before he officially jumped ship on another impending reboot, The Crow.

Reports are in that the newly-formed Lionsgate-Summit has potentially found the man to follow after Christopher Lambert as the revamped Highlander series’ protagonist [insert obligatory "There can be only one!" joke here] – and it’s none other than Blade/X-Men/Green Lantern franchise alum, Ryan Reynolds.


Status: The idea of remaking the beloved 1987 hit "Dirty Dancing" may seem kind of crazy -- just who are they going to find to fill Patrick Swayze's shoes, anyway? -- but then again, remaking "Footloose" seemed like a bad idea, and that turned out just fine. Plus, "Dirty Dancing" does have "High School Musical" mastermind Kenny Ortega on board to direct, so even though there are no stars attached and the script is currently being rewritten, we have faith things will come together in time for them to meet their aggressive release date.

Release Date/Year: July 26, 2013




Attached: Willow Smith

Status: Willow Smith is set to take on the role of a precocious girl with a knack for singing and a multi-millionaire daddy. Hmm. But Smith isn't the only big name attached to the remake of the 1982 hit (which was based on a musical, which was based on a comic strip, which was based on ur mom); not only is her father, Will Smith, coproducing alongside Jay-Z, but Emma Thompson is also on board as the screenwriter. Sounds like a winner.

Release Date/Year: 2013

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  • 3 months later...
  • 11 months later...

is that Michael Fuckin Keaton. :o ...I haven't seen him in a movie in forever, I used to love him back in the 80's early 90's...I might just go see it because of him. :lol:

I'm not interested in the movie but if I did go see it it would be because or Mr. Mom aka Michael Keaton lol. I loved this movie he was in


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That trailer looks good. Some of yall are just being shady for the hell of it, but it does'nt look half as bad as I thought it would. I liked the original one when I was a child, but now I realize it was a "iron man" knockoff. However, robocop was/is darker in tone because he pretty much is only alive because of the suite and can't function without it. Tony stark be fuckin and erything :coffee: Robocop is basically a high tech paraplegic, who almost died. :umm:

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