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Everything posted by Angela

  1. I think Annalise knows Frank to a T. He is the Huck to her Olivia but sexier.
  2. I actually really like that color on her. She pulls it off. She's a beautiful woman. I probably won't listen to the music nor buy the album but I wish her well.
  3. RIP. I echo the sentiments. No other version comes close to his. So damn soulful.
  4. I think gays can be mysognists just like I think women can be homophobic. It takes a lot to unpack and examine your own biases and privilege when you aren't the "other."
  5. Nope. I'm a womanist.
  6. Tell me you can't imagine Xfusion saying that in some random ass thread!
  7. Her ass still ain't right and she doesn't get a pass for that so she's another person on the list as far as I'm concerned. I am surprised that her ass is fluent in Xfusionese though.
  8. I miss Nuk. The last time I called him was years ago and it was my birthday and he gave me shit for not posting on the forum
  9. You're right. I used to drag ha because I never saw it and Nuk used to piss me off
  10. I'm shocked she's still doing music. I remember when crazy ass Nuk swore up and down that she was poised to be the next Janhova. He used to drive me nuts with that.
  11. Nah. I don't know them. But thanks though The funny thing is that I know what they look like. Well... mainly Zayn
  12. Weren't you just telling ThatOtherBoy that you were positive he's heard a song by them?
  13. Angela


    That sounds extremely painful
  14. Shit! I don't even know another song by his group, neither. I don't follow boy bands anymore Even more proof that I don't listen to pop music like I used to What is a popular song by One Direction?
  15. I only know that song, "Jealous," and that's because someone played it for me. I don't know ANY of their songs as a group, and I want to keep it that way. I'm shocked they have 4 albums ETA: I even have the wrong damn group! I don't know anything about boy bands today!
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