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Everything posted by jarrylf

  1. No clue, I think I updated my account when they switched from "Janet-Xone" to "janet.club". I didn't keep up at all after that though, but when I went I saw my username & password is still saved, so I don't know about making a new account there, not sure I would if I had to.
  2. I'm reading the source of the T's post on the xone (chille I dusted off my password JUST for this lol). a few things. 1. Janet made a 11th hour last min decision to cut the new song from the routine which would explain why it wasn't longer 2. He says the artist isn't Beyonce or Childish Gambino (someone asked if it were either of them) those are the only 2 (and Bruno ofcourse) that it's for sure not. ........he is pretty damn reliable, he called the photoshoot with Billboard before it released, he said she'd be 11th to perform & that it'd be 42 dancers. He said her whole segment would be around 15mins (which it was if we include the moment Bruno walked out to present & her speech after, like they might've broke it down for her crew "YALL GOT 15mins MAX!")....So Im gon have to keep an eye on this persons posts cause....that's alot of specifics....
  3. GOD don't let it be Taylor It does REALLY need to be Bruno tho, he earned it. She & Kendrick would be game changing too, her & RIhanna would be great. Her & Adele maybe
  4. Can we leave the trash out the thread, it's not about him dear, it was about the 2 most talented artist alive!
  5. My favorite living artist, and my favorite living male artist.....if these 2 muhfuckas don't record and perform a song that stops the world....
  6. I thought I was ready, I thought WRONGGG...take me to the Queen NOW.....goodbye life, it's been real....
  7. ME, after this bitch just slayed in 32inch hair, showin them goddess legs, owning this show, introducing an entire generation to Throb, and then gettin Gospel on our asses on this Sunday in that speech, AND BRUNO'S KNEEL TO THE QUEEN OF ALL QUEEEENZ
  9. Sounds like Janet's comin before Salt N Pep & EV3 (I imagine they might be the close since it's celebrating them & their 30th anniversary)
  10. AT ALL....like it's really really REALLY annoying, he don't have that Diddy Lil Jon appeal I think he thinks he does.
  11. Yea....Jen didn't deliver the moves like she could...which is a let down, like why was her mic on? She got a residency to promote, she shoulda lipsynced and crushed a routine, this felt like right above....Britney-ish (visibly lookin like she was counting the steps), costume change was cute but she's done WAY more impressive. Cute production value tho....Cardi's Skype slayed.
  12. Love how Xtina & Demi got that standing ovation too, gotta gif Tyra's reaction And yess ready for SNP & EV3 to snatch!.....it's so weird to me....Janet's in her 50s, the 2 vets in EV are in their 50's, Salt & Pep are in their 50's (Spin & Rhona are both in their 40's)...time..weird, but I'm glad they're bing celebrated in these ages as they all should be.
  13. OMG watching Janet's 7min live feed from an hour ago, IM LIVING FOR THIS HAIRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR no pics have done it justice yet, it's so fierce!, The way Janet was lookin at security/her person video tapping when security was giving whoever was doing her live feed a hard time about taking the phone through the metal detectors! And the red carpet video...I LOVVVVVE hearing her name yelled out to her! MANNN SHE BACK!
  14. A surreal realization just now....it's about to be alot of kids (who's parents have failed them in teaching them about the best musicians & performers) 1st time seeing Janet Jackson kill the stage!.....just wow, the kids know her.....but she's about to gain some newbies and inspire some to be killer performers!
  15. Geez the mainstream/network award show audiences are lame these days, (at risk of sounding old as fuck) I blame social media, award show audiences use to be hype as fuck because you didn't see what your fave was doing every damn day, now even when Kelly was naming names....like...it was so medium lol. That's what I do appreciate about the BET awards (and getting to see it in person) that felt like a real concert, that felt like what I use to hope being in the building for these things was like, but these AMA's, BMA's, & Grammy's all feel real....medium in terms of the audience energy. The VMA's seem really fun too.
  16. more whataboutism......cause that wasn't even in this conversation....
  17. I'm refusing to look at the 1st look, I'm gonna watch the pilot....and go from there...on everything....I'm SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO in the middle about this in like every way.
  18. THATS.MA.BABY.BU!!! That's my language right there! The lower the expectations the higher the appreciation.
  19. YES CHILD, been there since season 1, I LOVE comedy so I LOVVVE comedy queens so this show serves for me, 10yrs strong Yea I NEED someone to parody this lol
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