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Xtraordinary Xternal

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Everything posted by Xtraordinary Xternal

  1. I miss sabertooth Slaughter where is he? I can't think of any others... alot of those people mentioned were just fucking weird... The return of jodi was good....
  2. I just can't imagine boi doing anything slutty he seems so pure and innocent to me Well the menstrual mix isn't for everyone its heavy like a first day period :dance:
  3. What in the world? *listening to blood on the dance floor (menstrual blood edition)* :dance:
  4. Being messy.... to me is messing with attached men...
  5. Thats ok... sex is so powerful.... so of course after awhile you would catch feelings... especially if they diggin u out all crazy and hittin all of those spots
  6. I feel on that part... I'm still debating on if me and the hubby should live together... I just wonder why you don't like relationships... it seems like someone hurt you... despite ur messy ways lol I know u a good dude maybe for the new year try to give love a chance again
  7. Shes the pr spin queen... Janet needs to hire her ass.
  8. you don't get lonely? I mean you are older (no shade) did something bad happen to u? Sex means nothing really without feelings.... I mean you get the nut or whatever... but after that then what?
  9. LOL u a mess well I toned it down.... some of my best work was on the old site... I know I was a fucking mess when I had that sabertooth persona :lmao: :lmao:
  10. Thats so sad... I don't date DL dudes.... because they just seem so insecure and scary to me... On the flip side I do love masc men... I couldn't date a over the top fem dude. Maybe your friend is just insecure and searching for something he lacks within himself mixed with denial over his sexual orientation... Thats the vibe I get from niggas who date married men and crave straight dudes.
  11. I don't see the draw in wanting a str8 dude... of course I have straight celeb crushes like usher and etc but in real life im not checking for str8 dudes if they not gay... Who wants to do all that work converting someone (thats not even possible)
  12. Hes cute when he isn't in drag... you would still date him anyway so stop it blatino
  13. What performance do you feel that janet put her entire pussy into? That had people in the audience gagin on her pubic hairs? post it
  14. Hes mine you may have had him once but I had him all the time.
  15. Whats up with you and these threads lately? I like them good thread u betta make them think
  16. I did it before with my baby... We don't have an open relationship though sometimes (not often) we fuck someone together... We have a thing for watching people. Our last encounter was lame the boy lied... lol We have a great sex life together though it was only something we do every few years. What works for one couple might not for the other.... We are secure and set rules... If we went behind each other back to fuck someone then thats cheating....
  17. U not the first person to say that... maybe someone can show just the janet parts to u
  18. you funny... Its just the drama is stupid on here... people need to really grow up its not that serious.
  19. I wasn't talking to you... I'm not a notorious trouble maker I speak my mind and sometimes its different from what yall feel should be said. Don't talk to me like that again I don't care what you are on here.. I wasn't talking to you... This is a classic example of people jumping the gun. Respect me and I will respect you that simple. Henry thought he could come in here and say things and then play the victim when he has no reason to be in a thread I made because he claims to hate me... He uses his friendship with mods as leverage ( my false sense of power comment)
  20. He brought my name up in his original post... I don't like taylor because she can't sing and her songs suck... not because you like her. Unless ur taylor I really don't know why u would try to make this thread about you... We don't like each other but yet you continue to comment in my threads. Something is wrong with you when normal people don't like each other they stay away from each other and avoid contact however its clear your intention is to start drama and flex ur false sense of power.
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