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Xtraordinary Xternal

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Everything posted by Xtraordinary Xternal

  1. Some gays will be happy... if they look at it superficially but I do wonder myself what is the real agenda behind lifting the ban... I don't trust everything to be on the up and up....
  2. Actually kim did a song with nicki.... thats not called grinding money. They played it several times on the radio it was nice... and they actually compliment each other in the song. It made nicki rap normal for once and kim was really good on the track but now its gone... The beat was simple but effective...
  3. It will do well with the right promo... She needs to learn from the mistakes of nelly... 1. Make a mix tape 2. Do a few features before your album drops 3. Get the promo wheels turning well in advance 4. Have a good club song 5. Remind people where she been and whats shes done... and where shes going.....
  4. Cool I like her... I hope she doesn't make anymore songs like "love all over me" because it made me feel some type of way ... when I was drunk one night
  5. She will be fine and yes she does need to stop talking about the album tanking... I don't know who her team or pr people are but they suck for not telling her to stop.... but it is common sense too... maybe she was angry at how some homosexuals hate on her because her name isn't beyonce. You only say she not a star because her album flopped... lol Cici still the best performer of this generation... if rihanna could perform like ciara Beyonce & gaga would be in trouble.
  6. She has star written all over her... that was a really good performance... If she just had a better team.... Its refreshing to see a younger artist keeping the tradition of truly performing alive... I don't care how much hate I get for saying this but she reminds me of janet and aaliyah so much when she performs I can't help but to love her.
  7. I guess keri forgot she did that track with trina & keyshia....
  8. But yet you had time to post some tired ass beyonce gif and type this bullshit excuse...
  9. Just what I thought don't ever compare me to that other person again.
  10. Can yall just make a fucking official teddy riley thread already... this is getting out of hand....
  11. I love kim but she looks so tranny... I hate girls who wear too much make up looking like a fucking circus act and shit...
  12. Don't try to be this fucking savior.... I say its hypocritical and tacky to make fun of anyone for not being as successful... (when janet got tons of hate for no reason for the last few years) At what point did I throw Janet under the bus? Don't assume or try to make up some bullshit drama with me just because I have an opinion and not some random bandwagon bitch. Upset? Hardly.... Anyone with common sense knew what I meant its not that hard to figure out... You try way too hard to be smart and evolved get over yourself and over the fact that I have an opinion that differs from yours. You bringing up stats is pointless since I already stated in the original post that Janet is on another level. I know you will attempt to do the usual I'm never wrong gimmick...
  13. Actually shes not.... but thats another topic for another thread... Yup ciara is lagging behind her peers she needs to find what makes her ciara again and step outside of her comfort zone with a better team behind her...
  14. She isn't flopping but the both suffered through similar things just on different scales.... The discipline era and Fantasy ride era seem similar to me.... Lack of proper promo before the actual cd release... and rushed week promo Fighting thru a ban or black list despite having a good song Hot single that didn't get promo Tons of hate from non fans for no real reason Lack of direction on a solid album.... that might be be the deepest but still has something to say.
  15. Of course Janet is a top tier diva though and in a different category... What I'm saying is when you compare Janet to her legendary peers stats wise.... Mariah and especially madonna she lags behind a lil... When Janets albums started to not sell as well... certain fan bases threw all kinds of shade towards her and yall didn't like it and neither did I... especially the beyonce fans during the b day era... Ciara is in another tier with the likes of Rihanna, Lady Gaga, & Beyonce... she is lagging behind and not as successful... Shes kinda going through what Janet is going through (musically) just on a smaller scale because she isn't a legend or anything yet like Janet & Madonna. Thats all I'm saying it just seems odd that yall constantly do that...
  16. Lol wow... Yall really care about ciara... you knew it would flop during the fall....(with the ban on ride & lack of proper promo) people really beating a dead horse... on here. Even people who get tons of play don't always have high album sells... Is it really that deep? If u like the music thats nice but why complain and make fun of people who flop... Oh how do some Janet fans forget the last 5 years and its not to shade Janet but come on stop it...
  17. Lol wow... Yall really care about ciara... you knew it would flop during the fall....(with the ban on ride & lack of proper promo) people really beating a dead horse... on here. Even people who get tons of play don't always have high album sells... Is it really that deep? If u like the music thats nice but why complain and make fun of people who flop... Oh how do some Janet fans forget the last 5 years and its not to shade Janet but come on stop it...
  18. All I know is a few people from this forum better be a few rows away from me...
  19. professor X trained cyclops and storm from an early age to deflect mental attacks... He trained storm to do it because the shadow king was so pressed to have storm under his control.
  20. "I call upon the torrential rain of south africa to wash you away from this place" I imagine if her and thor got into a fight... those long winded summons would be epic!
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