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Everything posted by vibeology

  1. Im a bit of a novice buying concert tickets but does presale get you cheaper tickets? And you deserve it! You have always been championing and so positive!
  2. I will be seeing her...twice. But, sorry to be a downer, im not sure how this will sell at the moment...especially as we dont have new music! I was honestly suprised with how many UK arena dates there were. I'm scared of cancellations so dont want to take the risk of travelling abroad, but I will be booking tickets for Birmingham and London.
  3. UK seems love Whoops Now, heard it at the supermarket.
  4. Im hopeful, but dont want to get too excited...not until tickets are bought at least! Dont you think it sounded like whatever it is, its going to be after summer? I swear, I feel like Id pay to see her in multiple cities
  5. I mean, is there any point in wondering about new music now? We heard a 6 sec clip of something during the tour months ago and that has been the extent to our "promises" so far. As someone who lives in the UK, its very frustrating not seeing her perform here and the fact no rescheduled shows have ever materialised since 2015. In fairness, I'm not convinced she could sell out large venues here so maybe thats part of the problem,
  6. We are relatively sane here...but there has barely been a community here for years because things have been quiet and mainly related to US tours.
  7. Snippet of a song during the tour months ago, we are still at nothing. 2024???
  8. Random as hell but I was driving home from a festival last night and heard SEXLINES crackling through from a radio station. Then I flicked to the next station and heard When I Think Of You.
  9. I think its the Love Me remix of JALW
  10. I want to seethe for you all cuz im in the UK, but I cant. The few clips I can bring myself do watch look good. I loved Throb/Freexone mashup and Boyfriend/Girlfriend performances. Not really a fan of any of the outfits Ive seen, except the opening sparky brown catsuit. Janet was really trolling since people always clown her for being to covered up/baggy clothes, so she opens in that coat I see you Janet, I really do. Edit: I take it back about outfits...they all suffice except pinky.
  11. There is nothing to discuss...no music or any other projects. There is only so many times you can discuss what you hope she sings on tour. I do respect that Angie keeps this place going though
  12. Still hoping this happens...maybe when things get more active again. Im in the UK too ; )
  13. Chile we been patient. Now we are just understandably, restless. Let people vent
  14. Thats the kind of thinking thats probably making us wait so long in the first place
  15. A DECADE after her last studio album??!!!! Please no! Sorry, im not on any of the platforms. But it was literally pic in her London home with a view of the window and a speaker.
  16. She did a make a post about "album mode" a few weeks back. So, I mean, yeah. Its never been cute, it is annoying, but we still love her. As someone in the UK, ive given up on seeing her in concert.
  17. The Undeclared War was an eye opener.
  18. Ugh. Not getting to see Metamorphosis is one of my biggest regrets.
  19. People are clowning the wig but I think its fine. Love the jewellery too
  20. Hey im interested...we did try a one of zoom meeting during lockdown but it never took off! Im in the UK too, I think we are 5/6 hrs ahead but it can work.
  21. Annoying but at the same time, almost obsessive! Like who would think to do that of their spouse? Yet at the same he is documenting the way people do 30 years later. And its those private moments he recorded that we are now cherishing.
  22. The whole interview was cute and unexpected on UK TV. Janet seemed really cheerful. I guess she is greatful to have an interview on the same timezone.
  23. Why was she on the show for? The documentary is over. "We'll see" Janet, Queen of Trolling.
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